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Inhofe Urges Elimination of Ban on Oil Shale Exploration
September 26, 2008

Contact: Marc Morano (202) 224-5762

Matt Dempsey (202) 224-9797    


Inhofe Urges Elimination of Ban on Oil Shale Exploration  

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, today urged the elimination of the moratorium on oil shale exploration which is included in the Democratic stimulus package.  

“Continuing the ban on oil shale development indicates Congressional Democrats are not serious about increasing American energy supply,” Senator Inhofe said. “Without Congressional action, a one-year delay in lifting the ban on oil shale exploration could end up lasting much longer, and, like the Outer Continental Shelf appropriations moratorium, continue year-after-year. This Congress has debated energy production for weeks, and an extension of this moratorium would do nothing to address increasing domestic energy supplies.”  

“This stimulus bill would extend the oil shale moratorium for another year despite the fact that the American people have demanded the moratorium be removed.  American’s strongly desire the ability to utilize their plentiful domestic natural resources to help address high gas prices at the pump.”  

“It should now be absolutely clear to the American public that the Democrats reversal on offshore drilling this week was nothing more than an election year ploy designed to mask their opposition to increasing American energy production. With skyrocketing energy costs we need to consider all sources of energy – from oil and natural gas exploration, to shale exploration in the West, to alternatives. We need it all.”  

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Related Link:  

Offshore Drilling and Oil Shale Access a ‘Victory for the American People’ - Inhofe Says – September 24, 2008


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September 2008 Press Releases

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