Recent YouTube Videos  View By Month & Year 
August 2008
13th - Alexander Discusses the Conflict in Georgia
8th - Alexander Says We Must Find Best Way to Address High Gas and Energy Costs  
6th - Alexander on NBC Nashville  
6th - Alexander Tells Nashville Food Bank He Voted Against Congress Going Home Without Dealing With $4 Gas Prices  
5th - Alexander Tells Knoxville Produce Company That Congress Shouldn’t Have Gone Home Without Dealing With $4 Per Gallon Gas Prices  
5th - Senator Alexander on NBC Knoxville  
June 2008
4th - Part Two: Alexander Speaks on Floor About Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act  
4th - Part One: Alexander Speaks on Floor About Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act  
May 2008
28th - Alexander Takes to the Stage at Memphis in May--Sunset Symphony  
13th - Alexander Offers Amendment to Stop Unfunded Federal Mandates on Local Communities  

Recent Video Files  View By Month & Year 
July 2008
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 26th - Senator Lamar Alexander Floor Remarks on Gas Prices
alexander_jul26.ram - | 6.3 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 26th - Senator Lamar Alexander Expresses Support for Senator Tom Coburn
coburn_jul26_alexander.ram - | 6.3 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 25th - Senator Lamar Alexander Colloquy from Senate Floor on Gas Prices
alexander_jul5.ram - | 5.7 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 24th - Senator Lamar Alexander Leads Collequy on Energy With Republican Colleagues
alexander_jul24.ram - | 4.6 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 23rd - Senator Lamar Alexander Floor Speech on Gas Prices: "Find More Use Less"
alexander_jul23.ram - | 3.2 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 16th - Senator Lamar Alexander Floor Speech on Find More Use Less
alexander_jul16.ram - | 5.9 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 16th - Senator Lamar Alexander Floor Speech on "Finding More and Using Less"
alexander_jul161.ram - | 5.9 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 16th - Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker, Sheriff Hall Discuss Immigration Judge Coming to Nashville
alexander_jul16b.ram - | 5.9 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 15th - Senator Lamar Alexander Remarks on VW Announcement in Chattanooga
alexander_vw_jul15.ram - | 5.1 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 10th - Senator Lamar Alexander Welcomes Mayor Dean to Alliance for Excellent Education Meeting
alexander_jul10.ram - | 5.0 MBs | quality
June 2008
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 26th - Senator Lamar Alexander on Republicans Gas Price Legislation
alexander_jun26.ram - | 6.9 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 4th - Senator Lamar Alexander Floor Remarks on The Climate Security Bill
alexander_jun4.ram - | 7.7 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 3rd - Senator Lamar Alexander Press Conference on Climate Tax Bill
alexander_jun3.ram - | 3.3 MBs | quality
May 2008
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 1st - Senator Lamar Alexander on TVA Nominees Held Up by Senate Majority Leader Inaction
alexander_may1.ram - | 4.2 MBs | quality
April 2008
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 29th - Senator Lamar Alexander Calls for a New Manhattan Project for Clean Energy Independence
alexander_apr29.ram - | 1.4 MBs | quality

Recent Audio Files  View by Month & Year 
January 2007
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 18th - Senator Alexander on Border Security
alexanderborder01_18_07.mp3 - 1:20 | 778.6 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 23rd - State Of The Union Reaction
alexanderpostSOTU01_23_07.mp3 - | 463.3 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 25th - Senator Alexander on fiscal responsiblity
alexanderfiscal01_24_071.mp3 - | 954.1 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 26th - Senator Alexander on Small Buisness and the Minimum Wage
alexanderminwage01_26_07.mp3 - | 285.2 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 30th - Senator Alexander comments on global climate change
alexanderclimate01_30_07.mp3 - | 1.3 MBs | Studio quality
February 2007
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 9th - Senator Alexander advocates the Teacher Incentive Fund
alexandereducation02_09_07.mp3 - 1:30 | 755.6 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 12th - Senator Alexander On The Reauthorization Of Head Start
alexanderheadstart2_12_07.mp3 - 2:11 | 1.3 MBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 14th - Senator Alexander on the Teacher Incentive Fund
alexanderincentivefund02_14_07.mp3 - 2:00 | 1.2 MBs | Studio quality
March 2007
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 1st - Senator Alexander comments on Real ID Act
alexanderrealID03_01_07.mp3 - 1:30 | 852.6 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 14th - Senator Alexander on Iraq
alexanderiraq03_14_07.mp3 - 2:00 | 1.1 MBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 28th - The Road To Nowhere
alexanderroad3_28_07.mp3 - 45 seconds | 445.1 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 29th - Senator Alexander commenst on Billboard Amnesty
alexanderbillbaord03_29_07.mp3 - 1:30 | 866.3 KBs | Studio quality
April 2007
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 17th - Senator Alexander praises the new Citizen Alamanac
alexanderamerican.mp3 - | 1.3 MBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 20th - Alexander on the America Competes Act
alexandercompetes04_2007.mp3 - | 1.3 MBs | Studio quality
May 2007
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 1st - Tennessee Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander today challenged each other to a walking competition to promote healthy living.
corkeralexanderwalking05_01_07.mp3 - 3:00 | 1.6 MBs | Studio quality
Office of Senator Alexander
SD-455 / Washington, DC 20510
Voice: (202) 224-4944
Fax: (202) 228-3398
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