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Kevin Brady is serving his sixth term in Congress representing the 8th District of Texas in the U.S House of Representatives.

Text Box: 8TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT    •	Stretches from the Louisiana border in beautiful East Texas to the suburbs north of Houston.     •	Includes Montgomery, Walker, San Jacinto, Tyler, Polk, Hardin, Jasper, Newton, Orange and parts of Trinity and Liberty Counties.    In order to stay close to the communities and neighborhoods he represents, Kevin chooses not to move to Washington but lives in Texas with his family and commutes to work each week.  He is known as a pro-family, pro-small business conservative who believes in free enterprise.

Congressman Brady holds the leadership post of Deputy Whip and serves on the Ways & Means Committee.  He serves on the Social Security and Trade subcommittees.

The Ways and Means Committee is considered by many to be the most powerful committee in Congress, with jurisdiction over 2/3 of the federal budget including taxes, Social Security, Medicare, international trade and welfare.


Congressman Brady’s major legislative accomplishments include:

  • Restoring the federal sales tax deduction which saves Texas taxpayers $1 billion a year.

  • Passing the Teacher Liability Protection Act that protects teachers against frivolous lawsuits when they maintain order anddiscipline in the classroom.

  • In the wake of 9-11, establishing a national network of university homeland security research centers to prevent and respond to future terrorist attacks, including the center at Texas A & M.

  • Helping create the Texas Institute of Genomic Research, a cutting-edge research center that will accelerate new medical discoveries and create 5,000 new Texas jobs.          

  • Spearheading the successful House effort to secure $4 billion in disaster recovery funding to help Texas recover from the devastation of Hurricane Rita.
    Congressman Brady also served as the White House’s point man in the successful passage of the Central American Free Trade Agreement which will create 16,000 new jobs for Texas.


    In Congress, Kevin is recognized as the author of the bi-partisan Federal Sunset Act which would abolish obsolete federal agencies and eliminate waste and duplication by placing an expiration date on every federal program where they must justify their existence to taxpayers or face elimination.

    A strong supporter of medical research who created the Texas Birth Defects Registry as a state legislator, Kevin has a special interest in finding cures for rare diseases, especially Primary Pulmonary Hypertension – for now an incurable disease that strikes young women of child-bearing age in growing numbers.

    In Congress he has been named Hero-of-the-Taxpayers, Small Business Champion and Super-Friend of the Seniors. He has received the Golden Bulldog Award by Watchdogs of the Treasury, special recognition by Citizens Against Government Waste, and is a perennial winner of the Guardian of Small Business and Spirit of Enterprise awards.   

    Recently he was named Deep East Texas Legislator-of-the-Year and Outstanding Texas Political Leader-of-the-Year.


    Prior to his election in Congress, Kevin worked as a chamber of commerce executive for 18 years including Beaumont, The Woodlands area and Rapid City, South Dakota.

    A former city councilman, he served six years in the Texas House of Representatives earning distinction as Ten Best Legislators for Families & Children and a state leader in victim’s rights. In 1994 he was named one of Five Outstanding Young Texans along with the current U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. He is also an original Hometown Hero of The Woodlands.

    Congressman Brady lives in The Woodlands with his wife Cathy Patronella Brady and his two sons, Will (8) and Sean (5). A Paul Harris Fellow in Rotary and active in his community, Kevin attends Saints Simons and Jude Catholic Church.  He is a Distinguished Alumni of the University of South Dakota.

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