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  1. Stabilizing the Economy
  2. Cutting Taxes & Spending
  3. Fixing Medicare & Social Security


Kevin Skeptical of Stimulus Proposals

Courier of Montgomery County Posted: (01-06-2009)

Kevin Brady is, as yet, not a fan of the new stimulus proposal germinating in the President Elect’s office. “They are talking about three-quarters of a trillion dollars that we don’t have,” said Brady, as he spoke to the Prime Timers during their luncheon Monday at The Woodlands United Methodist Church. Brady said the same economists who “got us into this mess” are “telling us to spend more.”

Read all about it in the Courier of Montgomery County.



Israel Has a Right to Defend Itself

Courier of Montgomery County Posted: (01-05-2009)

Israel is well within its rights as a sovereign nation to defend itself from terrorist attacks. Since the Egyptian-mediated truce ended a little more than 10 days ago, Hamas has bombarded Israel with thousands of rockets – one even struck an empty kindergarten in Beersheba, Israel’s fifth-largest city.

While I continue to hold out hope for a peaceful solution, I am disheartened by Hamas statements such as ‘Rockets will be on your daily agenda’.

Read all about it in the Courier of Montgomery County.



Kevin Fights for Earmark Reform

Posted: (12-29-2008)

The first congressman to post his earmarks on the internet for all to see, Congressman Kevin Brady’s ongoing fight for earmark reform has prompted Minority Leader Boehner to appoint him to serve on a Select Committee that will put together a top to bottom earmark system reform plan. Last year, Congressman Brady cut his own earmarks by 75% funding only those projects already near completion.

Read all about it in the Cleveland Advocate.



Tough Times for Newspapers

New York Times Posted: (12-18-2008)

Cash-strapped newspapers facing tough financial straits are being forced to restructure. Racing to cut costs as they lose revenue, most have decided that their future lies in local news, not national or international events. That has put a bull’s-eye on expensive Washington bureaus. The result is that there are fewer reporters in the nation’s capitol city holding elected officials to account. This state of affairs has not escaped the notice of Congressman Brady.

In a New York Times story published yesterday entitled, “Big News in Washington, but Far Fewer Cover It”, Kevin, who has seen The Houston Chronicle’s team in Washington drop to three people, from nine, in two years, remarked, “From an informed public standpoint, it’s alarming. They’re letting go those with the most institutional knowledge, which helps reporters hold elected officials accountable.”

Read the full article here.

Image of the Day

Posted: (01-07-2009)

Congressman Kevin Brady fielded some tough questions from the Primetimers at their monthly luncheon at The Woodlands United Methodist Church on Monday, January 5th. Questions flew about everything from the Death Tax to how to ensure Social Security and Medicare will be there for future generations.



January 10th is the New FEMA Ike Deadline

Posted: (12-15-2008) reported last week that:

At the request of the State of Texas, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has extended the deadline for homeowners, renters and business owners who suffered damages from Hurricane Ike to register for state and federal disaster assistance. The new deadline is Saturday, Jan. 10, 2009.

Read the full story in the

This federal assistance can take many forms; grants to help pay for temporary housing needs, critical home repairs and other disaster-related expenses not covered by insurance. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is also providing low interest disaster loans for renters, homeowners, non profits and businesses to repair and restore personal property lost during the Hurricane Ike disaster.

According to Stephen M. De Blasio Senior, the Federal Coordinating Officer in charge, “We don’t want to miss anyone who may be eligible for aid. We encourage anyone who was affected by Ike to register with FEMA as soon as possible.



Keeping up the Heat on ICE

Posted: (12-11-2008)

read the full story in the Houston Chronicle

After meeting last Friday with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials in Houston, Kevin Brady, along with other local congress members, voiced their encouragement and support of the good work ICE has done in recent months to identify and detain illegal immigrants (see image)- but the group of determined lawmakers continue to push for further reforms within the system and the agency.

As the Houston Chronicle reports, Kevin made it clear after the meeting that, "...the delegation wants ICE to provide information by January on measures to ensure that illegal immigrants charged with serious crimes are not making bail...Brady added that they also want to make sure illegal immigrants convicted of crimes - and eligible for deportation - are removed from the country."

Read the full story in the Houston Chronicle.

Listen to the story.



Awesome fish story in our district

Posted: (12-04-2008)

read the full story in the Houston ChronicleBUNA, Texas — A class ring lost for decades in an East Texas lake is back with its owner after turning up in a fish caught the day after Thanksgiving.

The 41-year-old mechanic says on Nov. 28 he received a call from a fisherman who had reeled in a more than 8-pound bass. The ring that had been in the fish had "Joe Richardson" etched in the band. Read the full story in the Houston Chronicle.

Your community will get 100% federal help for Ike Clean-up

Posted: (12-03-2008)

read the full story in the Houston ChronicleCongressman Brady has come out strongly in favor of the federal government’s pledge to pay for Hurricane Ike cleanup costs in Texas for an additional six months.

"In the wake of such massive devastation, even a minimal local match would exceed a hurricane-strapped county's entire annual budget — and that's just to remove debris," Brady said.

Read the full story in the Houston Chronicle

They want to do WHAT to my 401K?

Posted: (11-19-2008)

401kA plan to force you to hand over your 401K to the Federal Government is being reviewed in Washington. It has already had a hearing before a Congressional Sub-Committee – and may soon be open to broader debate. Thankfully, Congressman Brady is on the front lines defending Americans from intrusive regulation such as this.

When reached for comment by 39 News, Congressman Brady said, "There are some in Washington that hate the thought that you and I would have our own retirement plan.  They want the government to do it, or they think people still work for a business for 40 years and retire.  Times have changed that way.  You and I need a backpack of retirement and health care plans that goes with us from job to job that we control.  So there is just this movement in Washington to nationalize everything and I think the public is going to fight it."

Just click here to watch the story yourself on 39

Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2008

Posted: (09-25-2008)

Congressman Brady took the floor to speak to his colleagues on the importance of passing a disaster relief tax package that will help pull Southeast Texas back together in the wake of Hurricane Ike.

Kevin Brady in the news

Posted: (09-12-2008) ~ Updated: (01-07-2009)

Top News Stories of 2009 --


KTRH Morning News with JP and Lana --

  • Listen to Congressman Kevin Brady on the KTRH

Op-Ed – Congress must not feed state addictions --

Congressman wants to keep government’s focus on small businesses --

Top News Stories of 2008 --

It's hard to save $1 trillion --

Lawmakers like feds' progress on criminal immigrants --

Hardin County has a new dome --

Brady fights for more offshore drilling --

Code Name Tahiti -- new exploration is coming online, but more is needed:

Offshore Drilling Story -- well mixed with Gustav preparations:

See how drilling deeper might wean us from foreign dependence --

How about an I-pod approach to fixing our 8-track worker verification system?

Posted: (09-12-2008)

Rep. Kevin Brady, says he's pushing legislation in Congress to require the nation's 7.4 million employers to electronically verify the identity and immigration status of newly hired employees. But in contrast to some rival worker verification proposals, the plan Brady backs would only screen prospective workers using the records of the Social Security system -- and not the Department of Homeland Security.

The Republican lawmaker says his approach, "...rejects the 'Big Brother' solution'' sought by sponsors of some other measures on Capitol Hill.

The Republican lawmaker says his approach, ...rejects the 'Big Brother' solution sought by sponsors of some other measures on Capitol Hill

This is co-sponsoring with a number of Republican and Democratic colleagues in the House will "...ensure that we do not have an eight-track tape player system in an iPod world."

The most comprehensive version of competing electronic verification proposals would require employers to submit the names of both existing employees and new employees to databases at the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security in order to get the green light to hire the workers.

Rep. Sam Johnson, a fellow Texas Republican co-sponsoring the measure, calls reliance on Social Security records the only way to confirm U.S. citizenship for American citizens.