
Contact: Wayne Hoffman 208.336.9831

Sali votes for new compromise Farm Bill 

May 14, 2008 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Bill Sali voted today in favor of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 (H.R. 2419).  The measure passed the House 318-106 and the Senate is expected to vote on it tomorrow.

“While far from perfect, this bill happens to be very good for Idaho agriculture. It is important that we create a sensible farm policy, so that we will never have a day when we speak of America’s reliance on foreign food, the way we speak of America’s reliance on foreign oil,” Sali said.  “A safe, abundant and diverse food supply is essential to our state and our country, and this measure will help ensure that Idahoans and all Americans enjoy high quality food and fiber in coming years.”

One provision of the legislation reflects Sali’s effort to include pro-potato language that could lead to white potatoes being restored as part of a program for low income women and children (WIC).

“There are aspects of this bill that are disappointing, no question.  But the larger issue is the viability of American agriculture, at home and in foreign markets.  For that essential reason, I voted in support of this legislation.  Idaho produces world class crops and the Food Act helps guarantee that the Gem State will continue doing so,” said the Congressman.

Sali noted that among other things, the bill contains provisions essential to Idaho:

Support for specialty crops important to Idaho agriculture;
Support for Idaho’s sugar farmers;
Funding for pest and disease programs critical to farmers not only to protect crops but to assure quality for marketing purposes; and
Support for cellulosic ethanol

The measure also enacts reforms to commodity support programs, which will make American agriculture more competitive and market-friendly.



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