May 25, 2006
Press Release

Senate Passes Immigration Reform Bill

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, after the U.S. Senate passed the Immigration Reform bill, Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) issued the following statement:

"The immigration reform bill we passed today is tough but fair. It provides both hope and security.

"It will help reduce the flow of illegal immigration across our borders, deter employers from hiring those who come here illegally, and provide a path to legalization that helps undocumented workers in this country without penalizing those who have come here legally.

"It is not a magic wand. People wishing to become citizens must play by the rules, hold a steady job, pay fines, and learn to speak English.

"At the same time, the bill recognizes a group of hardworking people who are here seeking a better life for their families, paying their taxes, and making positive contributions to society. They came to America for the same reasons that many of our ancestors did.

"I support this realistic compromise and hope it marks the start of responsible oversight of our immigration laws."
