April 21, 2008
Press Release

Reed 'Nets' Over $400,000 in Federal Funding to Bolster RI's Shellfish Aquaculture Industry and Preserve Coastal Resources

WICKFORD, RI – In an effort to help bolster Rhode Island’s shellfish aquaculture industry and preserve coastal resources, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) today joined Robert Rheault, President of Moonstone Oysters, and Peter August, Director of the URI Coastal Institute, at the public dock in Wickford to announce over $400,000 in federal funding that Reed secured in the 2008 Appropriations spending bill for the East Coast Shellfish Research Initiative and the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) shallow water soil mapping study. 

The shellfish aquaculture industry on the East Coast is composed of more than 1,300 small farms with annual harvests valued at $80 million. 

“Sustainable aquaculture is good for the environment and good for our economy,” said Reed, a member of the Appropriations Committee.  “This federal funding will help researchers answer critical questions and allow continued growth and development of the industry.  It will also bolster the ability of Rhode Island’s aquaculture industry to penetrate foreign markets.” 

The East Coast Shellfish Research Initiative will use the $261,159 in federal funding to partner with top university researchers to conduct studies that will help the East Coast shellfish aquaculture industry attain the goal of doubling production in ten years while creating as many as 500 full-time jobs.

“I am happy to report that Rhode Island's aquaculture production continues to grow at double digit rates and last year our sales of cultured oysters topped $1.5 million. Shellfish aquaculture has proven environmental benefits and we are excited to see this kind of production off only 125 acres,” said Robert B. Rheault, President of Moonstone Oysters.  “I’d like to thank Senator Reed for securing this federal funding.  This money will help fund critical shellfish research projects.  We know that shellfish aquaculture is sustainable and produces nutritious and delicious products, and we need to ensure that these products are also safe and wholesome.”

In 2002, Reed secured $1.5 million for the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) to initiate the Rhode Island Aquaculture Initiative.  At the time the Rhode Island Aquaculture Initiative was established, the Ocean State ranked at or near the bottom in terms of domestic aquaculture production.  This initiative has increased the breadth and depth of the aquaculture industry, helped create jobs, and promoted ecologically sustainable development.  As a result, Rhode Island’s aquaculture has almost doubled production and CRMC developed regulations to support the industry. 

“I am proud that Rhode Island has become a regional model for the growth of the aquaculture industry,” noted Reed.

Senator Reed also secured a $142,992 appropriation for the Natural Resources Conservation Service to work with partners throughout the state to develop a classification system for coastal soils and a national model for coastal and submerged soil mapping throughout the United States.  A lack of detailed information about the soil and sediment of submerged land has placed major limitations on our management and conservation activities. 

“Just as soil is vital to supporting crops on dry land, submerged soils are vital to our coastal crops and are essential habitat for aquatic vegetation and shellfish, such as crabs, oysters, quahogs, and clams.  They also serve as feeding and spawning grounds for fin-fish and provide feeding grounds for waterfowl,” said Reed.  “I am pleased to have secured funding for the NRCS and URI to collect detailed data for coastal and shallow water soils that will contribute to improved management and restoration practices, which will in turn allow us to better protect coastal lands, water quality, and ecosystems.”

“Subaqueous soils tell us how well an area will support shellfishing, aquaculture, or eelgrass restoration.  Just like on land, some soils are better than others for growing plants and serving as habitat for animals,” said Peter August, Director of the URI Coastal Institute. “Accurate subaqueous soil maps are critical for managing our underwater natural resources.  Rhode Island’s pioneering work in subaqueous soil mapping would not be happening were it not for Senator Reed’s support for and commitment to stewardship of our coastal ecosystems.”

The United States Department of Agriculture - Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA- NRCS) is the lead federal agency for the mapping and interpretations of the nation’s soil resources.
