Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana - Press Releases
Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana
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Press Release of Senator Lugar

Lugar, Hoosier soldier persuade Army to change burial process for enlisted soldiers

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar, at the request of a Hoosier who has served in The Old Guard at Arlington National Cemetery, spurred the effort for all service members, regardless of rank, to receive full honor funerals.
Beginning in early 2009, enlisted service members will receive the same funeral honors as officers at Arlington National Cemetery. In addition to the previous rule that offered a firing party, bugler and chaplain, they also will have a caisson, band, colors team and escort platoon.
“I deeply appreciate Sergeant Durbin’s impressive service to our country and his tireless advocacy on behalf of his fellow service members,” Lugar said while traveling in Russia. “This is an appropriate recognition for service members who have given their lives while serving our nation.”
The effort began in November 2007 when SFC Robert Durbin of Randolph County, Indiana, contacted Lugar. SFC Durbin, who has deployed five times since September 11, 2001, requested full burial honors at Arlington for service members regardless of rank. SFC Durbin served as a Full Honor Casket Team squad leader in The Old Guard at Arlington National Cemetery.
Through correspondence with the Army and SFC Durbin’s persistence, the Army announced the policy change on December 16, 2008 ( The Army is in charge of Arlington National Cemetery.
Lugar, a former Naval intelligence officer, has strongly supported the military and veterans. In 2002, Lugar launched the Veterans History Project in Indiana. To date, the Veterans History Project has preserved the memories of more than 8,000 Hoosier veterans in the permanent collection at the Library of Congress – more than any other state.
For more information on the Veterans History Project, visit