Joe Biden, U.S. Senator for Delaware

Internship Application

In all of my Senate offices, I provide year-round internship opportunities for qualified college students or graduates from all parts of Delaware. The purpose of these internships is to offer students an opportunity to observe and participate in the day-to-day workings of a Senate office. The internship program is designed to provide the knowledge, skills and tools that will assist an intern in all future professional endeavors.

Interns must commit to work full time during the summer. Fall and Spring internships may be on a part time basis but students must commit at least 2 days a week. If you are interested in applying for one of these internships please complete the form below.

About You

Permanent Address

Temporary (School) Address

Education Information

If you are applying through a specific program at your Institution, please list the following:

Security Information

Have any disciplinary or administrative actions (i.e. probation, suspension, expulsion) been taken against you by your school or are any pending?*

Have you ever been charged with or convicted of any criminal offense, DUI/DWI or misdemeanor offense?*

Have you ever used, possessed, supplied or manufactured any illegal drugs?*

Mail Security

Please note that due to heightened security in the U.S. Capitol, mail service to my Washington, D.C. Senate office is significantly delayed. If you have any correspondence that is time sensitive, please use alternatives such as e-mail, phone, or fax.