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                                                       Calendar No. 497
109th Congress                                                   Report
 2nd Session                                                    109-270




                 June 27, 2006.--Ordered to be printed


    Mr. Inhofe, from the Committee on Environment and Public Works, 
                        submitted the following


                         [to accompany S. 2430]

      [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]

    The Committee on Environment and Public Works, to which was 
referred a bill (S. 2430) to amend the Great Lakes Fish and 
Wildlife Restoration Act of 1990 to provide for implementation 
of recommendations of the United States Fish and Wildlife 
Service contained in the Great Lakes Fishery Resources 
Restoration Study, having considered the same, reports 
favorably thereon and recommends that the bill, as amended, do 

                    General Statement and Background

    The Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act of 1990 
(Public Law 101-537) was enacted November 8, 1990 to establish 
goals for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) 
programs operated in the Great Lakes and requires the Service 
to undertake a number of activities specifically related to 
fishery resources, including:
     <bullet>  conducting a study by October 1, 1994, of the 
status of, and the assessment, management, and restoration 
needs of, the fishery resources of the basin, and develop 
proposals to implement recommendations resulting from the 
     <bullet>  inviting the Secretary of the Army, the affected 
State directors, Indian tribes, the Great Lakes Fishery 
Commission, Canadian government entities, and others to enter 
into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the scope 
and focus of the study and the responsibilities of those 
choosing to participate;
     <bullet>  establishing a Great Lakes Coordination Office 
to coordinate all Service activities in the basin;
     <bullet>  establishing a Lower Great Lakes Fishery 
Resources Office to carry out Service operational activities 
related to fishery resources in the lower Great Lakes;
     <bullet>  establishing one or more Upper Great Lakes 
Fishery Resource Office(s) to carry out Service operational 
activities related to fishery resources in the upper Great 
Lakes; and
     <bullet>  within 1 year of enactment and annually 
thereafter, submit reports to Congress discussing the progress 
and results of the study, recommending implementation 
activities, and describing activities taken to accomplish the 
goals established in the Act.
    On September 13, 1995, the study authorized by the 1990 Act 
was completed and submitted to the Senate and House of 
Representatives. Titled ``Great Lakes Fishery Resources 
Restoration Study'', it contained 32 recommendations for 
    The Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act of 1998 
(Public Law 105-265), enacted October 19, 1998, reauthorized 
the 1990 Act. It recognized the 32 recommendations in the 1995 
Great Lakes Fishery Resources Restoration Study and moved the 
purpose of the law from study to action. The 1998 Act:
     <bullet>  shifted emphasis from the study of species and 
habitat restoration needs to the implementation of restoration 
projects emphasizing the 32 study recommendations;
     <bullet>  authorized $3.5 million for each fiscal year 
through 2004 for activities of the Service's Great Lakes 
Coordination and Fishery Resources Offices;
     <bullet>  established a committee to recommend projects 
for funding to the Director of the Service; and
     <bullet>  authorized $4.5 million for each fiscal year 
through 2004 to fund restoration projects recommended by the 
committee. Projects require a 25 percent non-Federal match.
    The 1998 Act ultimately recognized the successful 
partnerships in the Great Lakes region and provided the process 
for achieving on-the-ground restoration activities to benefit 
fish, wildlife and plants in the Great Lakes.

                     Objectives of the Legislation

    The purpose of S. 2430 is to continue the efforts achieved 
through the 1998 Act by reauthorizing the Great Lakes Fish and 
Wildlife Restoration Act and authorizing $20,000,000 for fiscal 
years 2007 through 2012. The bill also expands the purpose of 
the cost-share program to include regionally significant 
projects throughout the Great Lakes Basin and to improve the 
availability of project information to Congress and the public 
through the use of a public access web site maintained by the 
Department of the Interior.

                      Section-by-Section Analysis

Section 1. Short title.
    This section provides that this Act may be cited as the 
``Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act of 2006''.
Sec. 2. Findings.
    This section provides findings to support the importance of 
the Act.
Sec. 3. Definitions.
    This section amends section 1004 of the Great Lakes Fish 
and Wildlife Restoration Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 941b) to update 
existing definitions and provide a new definition for 
``regional project''.
Sec. 4. Identification, review, and implementation of proposals.
    This section amends section 1005 of the Great Lakes Fish 
and Wildlife Restoration Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 941c) to expand 
the scope of project proposals to include wildlife (in addition 
to fish) restoration proposals as well as the new category of 
regional projects.
Sec. 5. Goals of United States Fish and Wildlife Service programs 
        related to Great Lakes fish and wildlife resources.
    This section amends section 1006 of the Great Lakes Fish 
and Wildlife Restoration Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 941d) to 
include wildlife restoration as a goal of the Act for the 
Sec. 6. Establishment of offices.
    This section amends section 1007 of the Great Lakes Fish 
and Wildlife Restoration Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 941e) to ensure 
that all information acquired under the Act is made available 
to the public and that the Great Lakes Coordination Office 
reports to the Service Director of Region 3, Great Lakes Big 
Rivers. The responsibilities of the Upper and Lower Great Lakes 
Fishery Resource Offices are clarified to include operational 
activities of the Service related to fishery resource 
protection, restoration, maintenance, and enhancement in the 
upper and lower Great Lakes respectively.
Sec. 7. Reports.
    This section amends section 1008 of the Great Lakes Fish 
and Wildlife Restoration Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 941f) to direct 
the Service to provide a report to the Committee on Resources 
of the House of Representatives and the Committee on 
Environment and Public Works of the Senate that describes 
actions taken to solicit and review proposals under section 
1005; results of proposals implemented under section 1005; and 
progress toward the accomplishment of goals specified in 
section 1006. The Service is also directed to make available 
through a public access web site of the Department information 
that describes actions taken to solicit and review proposals 
under section 1005; results of proposals implemented under 
section 1005; progress toward the accomplishment of goals 
specified in section 1006; the priorities proposed for funding 
in the annual budget process; and actions taken in support of 
the recommendations of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration 
authorized under Executive Order 13340 (69 Fed. Reg. 29043), 
relating to the Great Lakes Interagency Task Force.
Sec. 8. Continued monitoring and assessment of study findings and 
    This section directs the Director of the Service to 
continue monitoring the status, and the assessment, management, 
and restoration needs of the fish and wildlife resources 
throughout the Great Lakes Basin, and permits the Director to 
reassess and update, as necessary, the findings and 
recommendations of the 1995 Great Lakes Fishery Resources 
Restoration Study.
Sec. 9. Authorization of appropriations.
    This section amends section 1009 of the Great Lakes Fish 
and Wildlife Restoration Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 941g) to 
provide $18,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 through 2012 
to implement fish and wildlife proposals, of which not more 
than the lesser of 33\1/3\ percent or $6,000,000 may be 
allocated to implement regional projects, and the lesser of 5 
percent or $600,000 shall be allocated to the Service to cover 
the costs incurred in administering the proposals by any 
entity. This section also provides $2,000,000 for the 
activities of the Great Lakes Coordination Office in East 
Lansing, MI, the Upper Great Lakes Fishery Resources Office and 
the Lower Great Lakes Fishery Resources Office established 
under section 1007.

                          Legislative History

    On March 16, 2006, Senator DeWine introduced S. 2430, which 
was cosponsored by Senator Levin. The bill was received, read 
twice and referred to the Senate Committee on Environment and 
Public Works. The committee met on May 23, 2006 to consider the 
bill. S. 2430 was ordered favorably reported, as amended, by 
voice vote.


    No committee hearings were held on S. 2430.

                             Rollcall Votes

    The Committee on Environment and Public Works met to 
consider S. 2430 on May 23, 2006. During consideration of the 
bill, an amendment offered by Senators Inhofe and Voinovich was 
agreed to by voice vote. The bill was ordered favorably 
reported, as amended, by voice vote. No roll call votes were 

                      Regulatory Impact Statement

    In compliance with section 11(b) of rule XXVI of the 
Standing Rules of the Senate, the committee finds that S. 2430 
does not create any additional regulatory burdens, nor will it 
cause any adverse impact on the personal privacy of 

                          Mandates Assessment

    In compliance with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
(Public Law 104-4), the committee finds that S. 2430 would not 
impose Federal intergovernmental unfunded mandates on State, 
local, or tribal governments.

                          Cost of Legislation

    Section 403 of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment 
Control Act requires that a statement of the cost of the 
reported bill, prepared by the Congressional Budget Office, be 
included in the report. That statement follows:

S. 2430, Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act of 2006, As 
        ordered reported by the Senate Committee on Environment and 
        Public Works on May 23, 2006
    S. 2430 would authorize the appropriation of $18 million 
for each of fiscal years 2007 through 2011 to the U.S. Fish and 
Wildlife Service for fish and wildlife restoration in the Great 
Lakes Basin. Assuming appropriation of the authorized amounts, 
CBO estimates that implementing the bill would cost $14 million 
in 2007 and $84 million over the 2007-2011 period. (An 
additional $6 million would be spent in fiscal year 2012.)
    S. 2430 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector 
mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA) 
and would impose no costs on State, local, or tribal 
governments. Enacting this bill would benefit State and tribal 
governments in the Great Lakes Basin because it would authorize 
additional funds for grants.
Estimated Cost to the Federal Government
    The estimated budgetary impact of S. 2430 is shown in the 
following table. For this estimate, CBO assumes that S. 2430 
will be enacted by the end of 2006 and that the entire amount 
authorized will be appropriated for each fiscal year. Estimated 
outlays are based on historical spending patterns for fish and 
wildlife programs. The costs of this legislation fall within 
budget function 300 (natural resources and the environment).

                 By Fiscal Year, in Millions of Dollars
                                   2007    2008    2009    2010    2011
Authorization Level.............      18      18      18      18      18
Estimated Outlays...............      14      17      17      18      18

Intergovernmental and Private-Sector Impact
    S. 2430 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector 
mandates as defined in UMRA and would impose no costs on State, 
local, or tribal governments. Enacting this bill would benefit 
State and tribal governments in the Great Lakes Basin because 
it would authorize additional funds for grants.
    Estimate Prepared By: Federal Costs: Deborah Reis and Leigh 
Angres; Impact on State, Local, and Tribal Governments: 
Marjorie Miller; Impact on the Private Sector: Amy Petz.
    Estimate Approved By: Robert A. Sunshine, Assistant 
Director for Budget Analysis

                        Changes in Existing Law

    In compliance with section 12 of rule XXVI of the Standing 
Rules of the Senate, changes in existing law made by the bill 
as reported are shown as follows: Existing law proposed to be 
omitted is enclosed in [black brackets], new matter is printed 
in italic, existing law in which no change is proposed is shown 
in roman:


   AN ACT To authorize a study of the fishery resources of the Great 
                     Lakes, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of 
the United States of America in Congress assembled,



    This title may be cited as the ``Great Lakes Fish and 
Wildlife Restoration Act of 1990''.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    In this title--
            [(1) the term ``Administrator'' means the 
        Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency;]
            [(2)] (1) the term ``Committee'' means the Great 
        Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Proposal Review 
        Committee established by section 1005(c);
            [(3)] (2) the term ``Director'' means the Director 
        of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service;
            [(4) the term ``fish stock'' means--
                    [(A) a taxonomically distinct species or 
                subspecies of fish; or
                    [(B) any other aggregation of fish that are 
                geographically, ecologically, behaviorally, or 
                otherwise limited from breeding with 
                individuals from other groups of fish and are 
                capable of management as a unit;]
            [(5)] (3) the term ``Great Lakes Basin'' means the 
        air, land, water, and living organisms within the 
        drainage basin of the Saint Lawrence River at or 
        upstream from the point at which the river becomes the 
        international boundary between Canada and the United 
            [(6)] (4) the term ``Indian Tribe'' means any 
        Indian tribe, band, village, nation, or other organized 
        group or community that is recognized by the Bureau of 
        Indian Affairs as eligible for the special programs and 
        services provided by the United States to Indians 
        because of their status as Indians, and that has Great 
        Lakes fish and wildlife management authority in the 
        Great Lakes Basin;
            [(7)] (5) the term ``lower Great Lakes'' means the 
        region in which is located that portion of the Great 
        Lakes Basin which is downstream from the confluence of 
        the Saint Clair River and Lake Huron near Port Huron, 
            [(8)] (6) the term ``non-Federal source'' includes 
        a State government, local government, Indian tribe, 
        other non-Federal governmental entity, private entity, 
        and individual;
            [(9)] (7) the term ``nonindigenous species'' means 
        a species of plant, animal, or other organism that did 
        not occur in the Great Lake Basin before European 
        colonization of North America;
            (8) the term `regional project' means authorized 
        activities of the United States Fish and Wildlife 
        Service related to fish and wildlife resource 
        protection, restoration, maintenance, and enhancement 
        impacting multiple States or Indian Tribes with fish 
        and wildlife management authority in the Great Lakes 
            [(10)] (9) the term ``Report'' means the United 
        States Fish and Wildlife Service report entitled 
        ``Great Lakes Fishery Resources Restoration Study'', 
        submitted to the President of the Senate and the 
        Speaker of the House of Representatives on September 
        13, 1995;
            [(11)] (10) the term ``restoration'' means 
        rehabilitation and maintenance of the structure, 
        function, diversity, and dynamics of a biological 
        system, including reestablishment of self-sustaining 
        populations of fish and wildlife;
            [(12) the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of 
        the Army;]
            [(13)] (11) the term ``State Director'' means the 
        head of the agency, department, board, commission, or 
        other governmental entity of each of the States of New 
        York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, 
        Minnesota, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania which 
        is responsible for the management and conservation of 
        the fish and wildlife resources of that State; and
            [(14)] (12) the term ``upper Great Lakes'' means 
        that portion of the Great Lakes Basin which is upstream 
        from the confluence of the Saint Clair River and Lake 
        Huron near Port Huron, Michigan.


    [(a) In General.--The Director, in consultation with the 
Committee, shall encourage the development and, subject to the 
availability of appropriations, the implementation of proposals 
based on the results of the Report.
    [(b) Identification of Proposals.--
            [(1) Request by the director.--The Director shall 
        annually request that State Directors and Indian 
        tribes, in cooperation or partnership with other 
        interested entities and based on the results of the 
        Report, submit proposals for the restoration of fish 
        and wildlife resources.
            [(2) Requirements for proposals.--A proposal under 
        paragraph (1) shall be submitted in the manner and form 
        prescribed by the Director and shall be consistent with 
        the goals of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, 
        as revised in 1987, the 1954 Great Lakes Fisheries 
        Convention, the 1980 Joint Strategic Plan for the 
        Management of Great Lakes fishery resources, the 
        Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control 
        Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.), and the North 
        American Waterfowl Management Plan and joint ventures 
        established under the plan.
            [(3) Sea lamprey authority.--The Great Lakes 
        Fishery Commission shall retain authority and 
        responsibility for formulation and implementation of a 
        comprehensive program for eradicating or minimizing sea 
        lamprey populations in the Great Lakes Basin.
    [(c) Review of Proposals.--
            [(1) Establishment of committee.--There is 
        established the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife 
        Restoration Proposal Review Committee, which shall 
        operate under the guidance of the Council of Lake 
        Committees of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission.
            [(2) Membership and appointment.--
                    [(A) In general.--The Committee shall 
                consist of 
                representatives of all State Directors and 
                Indian tribes with Great Lakes fish and 
                wildlife management authority in the Great 
                Lakes Basin.
                    [(B) Appointments.--State Directors and 
                Tribal Chairs shall appoint their 
                representatives, who shall serve at the 
                pleasure of the appointing authority.
                    [(C) Observer.--The Great Lakes Coordinator 
                of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service 
                shall participate as an observer of the 
                    [(D) Recusal.--A member of the Committee 
                shall recuse himself or herself from 
                consideration of proposals that the member, or 
                the entity that the member represents, has 
            [(3) Functions.--The Committee shall at least 
                    [(A) review proposals developed in 
                accordance with subsection (b) to assess their 
                effectiveness and appropriateness in fulfilling 
                the purposes of this title; and
                    [(B) recommend to the Director any of those 
                proposals that should be funded and implemented 
                under this section.
    [(d) Implementation of Proposals.--After considering 
recommendations of the Committee and the goals specified in 
section 1006, the Director shall select proposals to be 
implemented and, subject to the availability of appropriations 
and subsection (e), fund implementation of the proposals. In 
selecting and funding proposals, the Director shall take into 
account the effectiveness and appropriateness of the proposals 
in fulfilling the purposes of other laws applicable to 
restoration of the fishery resources and habitat of the Great 
Lakes Basin.
    [(e) Cost-Sharing.--
            [(1) In general.--Not less than 25 percent of the 
        cost of implementing a proposal selected under 
        subsection (d) (not including the cost of establishing 
        sea lamprey barriers) shall be paid in cash or in-kind 
        contributions by non-Federal sources.
            [(2) Exclusion of federal funds from non-federal 
        share.--The Director may not consider the expenditure, 
        directly or indirectly, of Federal funds received by a 
        State or local government to be a contribution by a 
        non-Federal source for purposes of this subsection.]

                    REGIONAL PROJECTS.

    (a) In General.--Subject to subsection (b)(2), the 
            (1) shall encourage the development and, subject to 
        the availability of appropriations, the implementation 
        of fish and wildlife restoration proposals and regional 
        projects based on the results of the Report; and
            (2) in cooperation with the State Directors and 
        Indian Tribes, shall identify, develop, and, subject to 
        the availability of appropriations, implement regional 
        projects in the Great Lakes Basin to be administered by 
        Director in accordance with this section.
    (b) Identification of Proposals and Regional Projects.--
            (1) Request by the director.--The Director shall 
        annually request that State Directors and Indian 
        Tribes, in cooperation or partnership with other 
        interested entities and in accordance with subsection 
        (a), submit proposals or regional projects for the 
        restoration of fish and wildlife resources.
            (2) Requirements for proposals and regional 
        projects.--A proposal or regional project under 
        paragraph (1) shall be--
                    (A) submitted in the manner and form 
                prescribed by the Director; and
                    (B) consistent with--
                            (i) the goals of the Great Lakes 
                        Water Quality Agreement, as amended;
                            (ii) the 1954 Great Lakes Fisheries 
                            (iii) the 1980 Joint Strategic Plan 
                        for Management of Great Lakes 
                        Fisheries, as revised in 1997, and Fish 
                        Community Objectives for each Great 
                        Lake and connecting water as 
                        established under the Joint Strategic 
                            (iv) the Nonindigenous Aquatic 
                        Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 
                        1990 (16 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.);
                            (v) the North American Waterfowl 
                        Management Plan and joint ventures 
                        established under the plan; and
                            (vi) the strategies outlined 
                        through the Great Lakes Regional 
                        Collaboration authorized under 
                        Executive Order 13340 (69 Fed. Reg. 
                        29043; relating to the Great Lakes 
                        Interagency Task Force).
            (3) Sea lamprey authority.--The Great Lakes Fishery 
        Commission shall retain authority and responsibility to 
        formulate and implement a comprehensive program to 
        eradicate or minimize sea lamprey populations in the 
        Great Lakes Basin.
    (c) Review of Proposals.--
            (1) Establishment of committee.--There is 
        established the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife 
        Restoration Proposal Review Committee, which shall 
        operate under the guidance of the United States Fish 
        and Wildlife Service.
            (2) Membership and appointment.--
                    (A) In general.--The Committee shall 
                consist of 2 representatives of each of the 
                State Directors and Indian Tribes, of whom--
                            (i) 1 representative shall be the 
                        individual appointed by the State 
                        Director or Indian Tribe to the Council 
                        of Lake Committees of the Great Lakes 
                        Fishery Commission; and
                            (ii) 1 representative shall have 
                        expertise in wildlife management.
                    (B) Appointments.--Each representative 
                shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing 
                State Director or Tribal Chair.
                    (C) Observer.--The Great Lakes Coordinator 
                of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service 
                shall participate as an observer of the 
                    (D) Recusal.--A member of the Committee 
                shall recuse himself or herself from 
                consideration of proposals that the member, or 
                the entity that the member represents, has 
            (3) Functions.--The Committee shall--
                    (A) meet at least annually;
                    (B) review proposals and special projects 
                developed in accordance with subsection (b) to 
                assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of 
                the proposals and special projects in 
                fulfilling the purposes of this title; and
                    (C) recommend to the Director any of those 
                proposals and special projects that should be 
                funded and implemented under this section.
    (d) Implementation of Proposals and Regional Projects.--
            (1) In general.--After considering recommendations 
        of the Committee and the goals specified in section 
        1006, the Director shall--
                    (A) select proposals and regional projects 
                to be implemented; and
                    (B) subject to the availability of 
                appropriations and subsection (e), fund 
                implementation of the proposals and regional 
            (2) Selection criteria.--In selecting and funding 
        proposals and regional projects, the Director shall 
        take into account the effectiveness and appropriateness 
        of the proposals and regional projects in fulfilling 
        the purposes of other laws applicable to restoration of 
        the fish and wildlife resources and habitat of the 
        Great Lakes Basin.
    (e) Cost Sharing.--
            (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraphs 
        (2) and (4), not less than 25 percent of the cost of 
        implementing a proposal selected under subsection (d) 
        (excluding the cost of establishing sea lamprey 
        barriers) shall be paid in cash or in-kind 
        contributions by non-Federal sources.
            (2) Regional projects.--Regional projects selected 
        under subsection (d) shall be exempt from cost sharing 
        if the Director determines that the authorization for 
        the project does not require a non-Federal cost-share.
            (3) Exclusion of federal funds from non-federal 
        share.--The Director may not consider the expenditure, 
        directly or indirectly, of Federal funds received by 
        any entity to be a contribution by a non-Federal source 
        for purposes of this subsection.
            (4) Effect on certain indian tribes.--Nothing in 
        this subsection affects an Indian tribe affected by an 
        alternative applicable cost sharing requirement under 
        the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance 
        Act (25 U.S.C. 450 et seq.).


    In administering programs of the United States Fish and 
Wildlife Service related to the Great Lakes Basin, the Director 
shall seek to achieve the following goals:
            [(1) Restoring and maintaining self-sustaining 
        fishery resource populations.]
            (1) Restoring and maintaining self-sustaining fish 
        and wildlife resources.''

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    [(a) Great Lakes Coordination Office.--The Director shall 
establish a centrally located facility for the coordination of 
all United States Fish an Wildlife Service activities in the 
Great Lakes Basin, to be known as the ``Great Lakes 
Coordination Office''. The functional responsibilities of the 
Great Lakes Coordination Office shall include intra- and 
interagency coordination, information distribution, and public 
awareness outreach. The Great Lakes Coordination Office shall 
include all administrative and technical support necessary to 
carry out its responsibilities.]
    (a) Great Lakes Coordination Office.--
            (1) In general.--The Director shall establish a 
        centrally located facility for the coordination of all 
        United States Fish and Wildlife Service activities in 
        the Great Lakes Basin, to be known as the `Great Lakes 
        Coordination Office'.
            (2) Functional responsibilities.--The functional 
        responsibilities of the Great Lakes Coordination Office 
        shall include--
                    (A) intra- and interagency coordination;
                    (B) information distribution; and
                    (C) public outreach.
            (3) Requirements.--The Great Lakes Coordination 
        Office shall--
                    (A) ensure that information acquired under 
                this Act is made available to the public; and
                    (B) report to the Director of Region 3, 
                Great Lakes Big Rivers.
    (b) Lower Great Lakes Fishery Resources Office.--[The 
            (1) In general.--The Director shall establish an 
        office with necessary administrative and technical 
        support services to carry out all United States Fish 
        and Wildlife Service operational activities related to 
        fishery resource protection, restoration, maintenance, 
        and enhancement in the Lower Great Lakes. [The office]
            (2) Name and location.--The office shall be known 
        as the ``Lower Great Lakes Fishery Resources Office'', 
        and shall be centrally located in the lower Great Lakes 
        so as to facilitate fishery resource restoration and 
        enhancement activities relating to the lower Great 
            (3) Responsibilities.--The responsibilities of the 
        Lower Great Lakes Fishery Resources Office shall 
        include operational activities of the United States 
        Fish and Wildlife Service related to fishery resource 
        protection, restoration, maintenance, and enhancement 
        in the Lower Great Lakes.
    (c) Upper Great Lakes Fishery Resources Offices.--[The 
            (1) In general.--The Director shall establish one 
        or more offices with necessary administrative and 
        technical support services to carry out United States 
        Fish and Wildlife Service operational activities 
        related to fishery resource protection, restoration, 
        maintenance, and enhancement in the upper Great Lakes. 
        [Each of the offices]
            (2) Name and location.--Each of the offices shall 
        be known as an ``Upper Great Lakes Fishery Resources 
        Office'', and shall be appropriately located so as to 
        facilitate fishery resource activities in the upper 
        Great Lakes.
            (3) Responsibilities.--The responsibilities of the 
        Upper Great Lakes Fishery Resources Offices shall 
        include operational activities of the United States 
        Fish and Wildlife Service related to fishery resource 
        protection, restoration, maintenance, and enhancement 
        in the Upper Great Lakes.


    [On December 31, 2002, the Director shall submit to the 
Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives and the 
Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate a 
report that describes--
            [(1) actions taken to solicit and review proposals 
        under section 1005;
            [(2) the results of proposals implemented under 
        section 1005; and
            [(3) progress toward the accomplishment of the 
        specified in section 1006.]


    (a) In General.--Not later than December 31, 2011, the 
Director shall submit to the Committee on Resources of the 
House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and 
Public Works of the Senate a report that describes--
            (1) actions taken to solicit and review proposals 
        under section 1005;
            (2) the results of proposals implemented under 
        section 1005; and
            (3) progress toward the accomplishment of the goals 
        specified in section 1006.
    (b) Public Access to Data.--For each of fiscal years 2007 
through 2012, the Director shall make available through a 
public access website of the Department information that 
            (1) actions taken to solicit and review proposals 
        under section 1005;
            (2) the results of proposals implemented under 
        section 1005;
            (3) progress toward the accomplishment of the goals 
        specified in section 1006;
            (4) the priorities proposed for funding in the 
        annual budget process under this title; and
            (5) actions taken in support of the recommendations 
        of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration authorized 
        under Executive Order 13340 (69 Fed. Reg. 29043; 
        relating to the Great Lakes Interagency Task Force).
    (c) Report.--Not later than June 30, 2006, the Director 
shall submit to the Committee on Environment and Public Works 
of the Senate and the Committee on Resources of the House of 
Representatives the 2002 report required under this section as 
in effect on the day before the date of enactment of the Great 
Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act of 2006.


    [There are authorized to be appropriated to the Director--
            [(1) for the activities of the Great Lakes 
        Coordination Office in East Lansing, Michigan, of the 
        Upper Great Lakes Fishery Resources Office, and of the 
        Lower Great Lakes Fishery Resources Office under 
        section 1007, $3,500,000 for each of fiscal years 1999 
        through 2004; and
            [(2) for implementation of fish and wildlife 
        restoration proposals selected by the Director under 
        section 1005(d), $4,500,000 for each of fiscal years 
        1999 through 2004, of which no funds shall be available 
        for costs incurred in administering the proposals.]


    There are authorized to be appropriated to the Director for 
each of fiscal years 2007 through 2012--
            (1) $18,000,000 to implement fish and wildlife 
        restoration proposals as selected by the Director under 
        section 1005(e), of which--
                    (A) not more than the lesser of 33\1/3\ 
                percent or $6,000,000 may be allocated to 
                implement regional projects by the United 
                States Fish and Wildlife Service, as selected 
                by the Director under section 1005(e); and
                    (B) the lesser of 5 percent or $600,000 
                shall be allocated to the United States Fish 
                and Wildlife Service to cover costs incurred in 
                administering the proposals by any entity; and
            (2) $2,000,000, which shall be allocated for the 
        activities of the Great Lakes Coordination Office in 
        East Lansing, Michigan, of the Upper Great Lakes 
        Fishery Resources Office, and the Lower Great Lakes 
        Fishery Resources Office under section 1007.

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