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RMRS Online Publication
RMRS-GTR-77: High mountain lake Research Natural Areas in Idaho

Rabe, Fred W. 2001. High mountain lake Research Natural Areas in Idaho. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-77-CD. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 1 CD-ROM.

High mountain lakes in Idaho total about 1800 and represent one of the most pris-time type ecosystems in the country. Limnological characteristics are described for 27 lakes and 20 ponds in 32 established and proposed Research Natural Areas (RNA) representing seven subregions in the state. Field collections were made from the 1960s through 1999 by different researchers. Even though data about some of these lakes is not currently available, the databases can be updated as research continues. A classification is developed to include elevation, size, depth, production potential and lake origin. Additional information that describes the sites is pH, rock type and hydrology. Aquatic plants, zoo-plankton, immature aquatic insects and cold water vertebrates inhabiting the water bodies are described. The classification can be applied to gap analysis to identify missing or under-represented natural area types. Future research efforts can focus on covering the gaps and bringing more high mountain lakes into the RNA system.

Keywords: high mountain lakes, lake classification, reference area, macroinvertebrates, zooplankton

Download RMRS-GTR-77 by Sections
Please note: due to a download limit of approx. 4 MB, this publication has been posted in multiple PDF files.

PART 1: Cover, the Author, Abstract, Contents, Acknowledgements, Idaho Subregions; Introduction; Field Methods; Classification
http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs/rmrs_gtr77/ rmrs_gtr77_01.pdf
(Approx. 3 MB)

PART 2: Description of high mountain lake Research Natural Areas in Idaho; North Idaho Subregion: Snowy Top Lake; Three Ponds; Scotchman No. 2 Pond; Pond Peak Pond
http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs/rmrs_gtr77/ rmrs_gtr77_02.pdf
(Approx. 2.5 MB)

PART 3a: Idaho Batholith Subregion (cont.): Theriault; Bacon Lake; Steep Lakes; Grave Peak Lake and Ponds; Fenn Mountain Lakes
(Approx. 3.5 MB)

PART 3b: Idaho Batholith Subregion (cont.): Salmon Mountain Lake and Ponds; Allan Mountain Ponds; Fish Lake
(Approx. 3.8 MB)

PART 3c: Idaho Batholith Subregion (cont.): Square Mountain Lake
(Approx. 4.4 MB)

PART 3d: Idaho Batholith Subregion (cont.): Dome Lake; Belvidere Lakes and Ponds; Mystery Lake
(Approx. 3.2 MB)

PART 3e: Idaho Batholith Subregion (cont.): Chilcoot Lake; Cache Creek Lakes and Pond; Master Sergeant Lake and Ponds
(Approx. 1.9 MB)

PART 4: Western Fringe Subregion: Little Granite Creek Lakes; Goat Lake; Lava Butte Lake and Ponds; Steamboat Lake; Needles Lake and Pond; Fiddle Lake
(Approx. 4.5 MB)

PART 5: Sawtooths Subregion: Surprise Valley Lake and Pond; Smiley Mountain Lake and Ponds
(Approx. 2.5 MB)

PART 6: Broad Valleys Subregion: Kenney Creek Pond; Upper Mill Lake; Upper Merriam Lake
(Approx. 2.2 MB)

PART 7: Great Basin: Mount Harrison Pond; Southeast Idaho Subregion: Bloomington Lake; Summary and Discussion; Recommendation; Tables 4-5; Glossary; Appendix A-C
(Approx. 2 MB)

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Title: RMRS-GTR-77: High mountain lake Research Natural Areas in Idaho
Electronic Publish Date: January 31, 2002
Last Update:
January 31, 2002

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