U.S. Senator David Vitter

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Women & Small Business 

After hurricanes Rita and Katrina hit the coast of Louisiana our homes, our businesses, and our families suffered a tremendous blow.  But, as in all other times throughout Louisiana’s storied history, Louisianians, with help from their friends and neighbors, are answering the call and are rebuilding and re-strengthening our state. 
In this crucially important, ongoing effort, the strength and determination of the women of Louisiana will prove invaluable.  

The rapidly developing entrepreneurial spirit in Louisiana is one we all share, and it is a spirit that I am committed to encouraging and expanding in all sections of our state and our communities.  Already, the role of women in the rebuilding of Louisiana’s economy and Louisiana’s business climate has proven to be vitally instrumental, and I am happy to stand alongside the entrepreneurial women of Louisiana to assist them in their energetic advance. 

All of us in Louisiana stand in a unique and fortunate position.  We are creating the Louisiana of the future.  We are recreating the business environment in Louisiana, and we must take advantage of every opportunity that lies before us. 

If you are a woman and interested in starting a small business, I encourage you to visit the following links to find information that will help you to plan and finance your endeavor:

FEMA Assistance 
Information on FEMA Temporary Housing Assistance.

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U.S. Senate Border Security Caucus 
Learn About Our Border Security Caucus.

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Corruption Hotline 
Help stop corruption in our government.

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Women's Leadership Forum 
Leading the way to a better Louisiana in issues affecting women today.
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