

front porch of a home flying an American flag -
More and more homeowners are having trouble keeping up with their mortgage payments, particularly when they have adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs). This guide to federal, state and county websites will help homeowners locate resources to help them avoid foreclosure and stay in their homes.more

Small Business Guide -
Small businesses are the heart of America's economic strength and job creation. This guide of useful websites is intended to assist small business owners find information and resources that will help them establish and run successful enterprises. more

-military familes -
With increasing numbers of our nation's soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines being called to serve overseas, service members and their families need access to information that can help them while they or their loved ones are actively deployed. This guide includes several websites that provide important information for service members and their families. more

Junkmail, Telemarketing, Spam Guide -
This guide offers practical suggestions on how to reduce the flow of junk mail, tips on ways to cut down on spam, and steps to take to stop telemarketers from interrupting your dinner. more

Student Guide -
High school and college students can start here for links to information on opportunities such as the Senate page program, internships, military service academy nominations and jobs on Capitol Hill. This guide also provides links to Michigan's public and private colleges and universities as well as links to state and federal resources for financial aid for higher education. more




The casework pages offer detailed information on these issues:


Check this page for quick answers to some frequently asked questions about casework.


To contact Senator Levin regarding a problem you have with a federal agency, please use this web form.
go to web form


I have seven office throughout Michigan. Find the one closest to you. more