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Demand-Side Management Program Incremental Effects by Program Category
Table 9.3.    xls     pdf   format     

Table 9.3.  Demand-Side Management Program Incremental Effects by Program Category, 1995 through 2006
Item 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995
Incremental Effects – Energy Efficiency
Large Utilities
Actual Peak Load Reduction (MW) 1,177 1,403 1,521 945 1,054 999 720 695 796 1,065 1,381 1,561
Energy Savings (Thousand MWh) 5,385 5,872 4,522 2,939 3,543 4,402 3,284 3,027 3,324 4,661 6,361 7,901
Small Utilities
Actual Peak Load Reduction (MW) 91 302 204 90 49 20 25 22 12 12 2 7
Energy Savings (Thousand MWh) 9 7 10 8 192 8 8 8 37 10 7 16
Incremental Effects – Load Management
Large Utilities
Actual Peak Load Reduction (MW)[ ] 1,495 1,009 907 1,084 1,160 1,297 919 1,568 1,821 1,261 5,027 3,039
Potential Peak Load Reductions (MW) 2,544 2,005 2,622 1,981 2,655 2,448 2,439 6,457 2,832 2,475 2,309 4,930
Energy Savings (Thousand MWh) 95 133 2 29 65 79 63 67 37 171 482 321
Small Utilities
Actual Peak Load Reduction (MW)[ ] 195 153 242 81 54 45 137 54 124 130 50 29
Potential Peak Load Reductions (MW)[ ] 273 218 422 131 76 177 190 84 160 183 90 41
Energy Savings (Thousand MWh) 4 5 4 4 2 4 9 2 7 19 6 3
  Notes: See Technical Notes for the Demand-Side Management definitions located within the Form EIA-861 section. Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. 
  Source:  Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report."

More Tables on Demand-Side Management:
Table 9.1.  Demand-Side Management Actual Peak Load Reductions by Program Category html pdf xls
Table 9.2.  Demand-Side Management Program Annual Effects by Program Category html pdf xls
Table 9.4. Demand-Side Management Program Annual Effects by Sector html pdf xls
Table 9.5. Demand-Side Management Program Incremental Effects by Sector html pdf xls
Table 9.6. Demand-Side Management Program Energy Savings html pdf xls
Table 9.7. Demand-Side Management Program Direct and Indirect html pdf xls

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics