Digital Television Transition

What is the Digital Television Transition?

The digital television (DTV) transition is scheduled for February 17, 2009.

After that date, the 42,000 Rhode Island households with analog televisions that rely only on over-the-air signals will no longer be able to watch TV unless they take steps to get ready for the transition.

Who needs to act?

If you use an antenna to watch TV on a set that has an analog tuner - and you do not subscribe to cable, satellite or other pay TV service - you will need to upgrade to digital television by February 17, 2009.

A television connected to cable or satellite will NOT experience any disruptions due to the transition.

How can I get a converter box?

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is running a converter box coupon program to help you pay for converter boxes that allow your TV to receive digital signals. Each household may request up to two coupons valued at $40.

For more information about the transition and the converter box coupon program, please visit

If you have any questions or need additional help, please do not hesitate to contact my office.