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USGS Digital Spectral Library 06


Researchers at the Spectroscopy Lab have measured the spectral reflectance of hundreds of materials in the lab, and have compiled a spectral library. The library is used as a reference for material identification in remote sensing images. This web page provides links to the splib06* series of spectral library data and supporting information.

The following links to the official Data Series 231 report and includes the description of how spectra were measured, sample purity, full sample descriptions, plots of the spectra, and ASCII listings of all data.

Clark, R.N., Swayze, G.A., Wise, R., Livo, E., Hoefen, T., Kokaly, R., Sutley, S.J., 2007, USGS digital spectral library splib06a: U.S. Geological Survey, Digital Data Series 231.

You can interactively browse individual spectra from the digital library online, or view the sample descriptions and customized plots online.

Spectral Library Detailed Plots and Sample Descriptions

The software used to analyze the laboratory data and manage the spectral library is Specpr

You can download the spectral library in any of the following formats:

Original Laboratory Data:

Interpolated Laboratory Data: (It is suggested that if you are going to convolve the spectral library to your own systems, use this version. This is the version we use for convolutions. The higher sampling helps when doing numerical integrations, so it could be used for all applications.

Along with the main library, splib06a, at the original instrument resolution, there are versions for specific flight instruments flying throughout the solar system such as the NASA/JPL Airborne Visual and Infra-Red Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS), Cassini VIMS, and more.

FirstGov U.S. Geological Survey, a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior

This page URL= http://speclab.cr.usgs.gov/spectral.lib06
This page is maintained by: Dr. Roger N. Clark rclark@usgs.gov

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Last modified April 26, 2008.