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Despite "Major Breakthrough" In Iraq Democrats Continue To Say Surge "Is A Failure"
February 13th, 2008 -
As Iraq’s Parliament Passes Major Legislation, Democrats Continue To Deny Progress

REUTERS: “Iraqi lawmakers achieved a major breakthrough on Wednesday, passing the 2008 budget after weeks of delays and an amnesty law that could lead to the release of thousands of prisoners from the country's jails. MPs also passed a law on provincial powers that will define the relationship between Baghdad and local authorities. Iraqi officials say it is needed to allow provincial polls to be held, possibly in late 2008.” (“Iraq Lawmakers Pass Key Budget And Amnesty Laws,” Reuters, 02/13/08)

AP: “Iraq's parliament on Wednesday passed three key pieces of legislation that set a date for provincial elections, allot $48 billion for 2008 spending, and provide limited amnesty to detainees in Iraqi custody.” (“Iraq: Lawmakers Pass 3 Key New Laws,” The Associated Press, 02/13/08)

THE NEW YORK TIMES: “Using old fashioned behind the scenes politicking, Iraq’s Parliamentary leaders pushed through three divisive laws that had been held up for months by bitter maneuvering between factions and, recently, threats to dissolve the legislative body. The three laws are the 2008 budget, a law outlining the scope of provincial powers — a crucial aspect of Iraq’s self-definition as a federal state — and an amnesty that will cover thousands of the detainees held in Iraqi jails. They were put to a vote as a single package and passed Wednesday afternoon.” (“Iraqi Lawmakers Pass 3 Crucial, Long-Delayed Laws,” The New York Times, 02/14/08)



REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): “There Haven't Been Gains, Wolf. The Gains Have Not Produced The Desired Effect, Which Is The Reconciliation Of Iraq. This Is A Failure. This Is A Failure.” Q: “Are you not worried, though, that all the gains that have been achieved over the past year might be lost?” REP. PELOSI (D-CA): “There haven't been gains, Wolf. The gains have not produced the desired effect, which is the reconciliation of Iraq. This is a failure. This is a failure.” (CNN’s “Late Edition,” 02/10/08)

SEN. BARACK OBAMA (D-IL): “Tonight We Heard President Bush Say That The Surge In Iraq Is Working, When We Know That's Just Not True.” (Paul Handley, “Democrats Blast Bush’s ‘Failed Policies,’ ‘Emply Rhetoric,’” Agence France Presse, 01/29/08)

SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “Every Place You Go You Hear About No Progress Being Made In Iraq. …It Is Not Getting Better, It Is Getting Worse.”  (“US Democrats Slam Iraqi Government,” AFP, 11/15/07)

SEN. JOE BIDEN (D-DE): “This Whole Notion That The Surge Is Working Is Fantasy.” (Rick Pearson, “Biden: Iraq Surge Success A ‘Fantasy,’” Tribune’s The Swamp Blog, 11/28/07)

SEN. PATTY MURRAY (D-WA): “Earlier This Year, President Bush Promised Us His Troop Surge Was Going To Improve Security And Allow Iraqis To Stabilize Their Own Country, But That Is Not Working.” (Sen. Murray, Congressional Record, S.14578, 11/16/07)
