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July 7th, 2008 -

Now “Liberals, Independents, Democrats, Women” Demand Domestic Energy Exploration


Avg. Price Of Gas Nationwide:
$4.11 Per Gallon

(“National Unleaded Average,” AAA, 07/07/08)


PEW RESEARCH CENTER POLL: “Amid Record Gas Prices, Public Support For Greater Energy Exploration Is Spiking. … Much Of The Increase In Support For Energy Exploration Has Come Among Groups That Previously Viewed This As A Less Important Priority Than Energy Conservation - Young People, Liberals, Independents, Democrats, Women And People Who Have Attended College. Fully half of people ages 18 to 29 (51%) now say expanding energy exploration is a more important priority for energy policy than increasing energy conservation and regulation; only about a quarter of young people (26%) expressed this view in February. The proportion of liberals who say expanded energy exploration is the more important priority also has doubled (from 22% to 45%).” (“As Gas Prices Pinch, Support For Energy Exploration Rises,” The Pew Research Center For The People & The Press, 07/01/08)


Media Note “In A Rather Dramatic Show Of Force” Republicans Craft A Bill “Democrats Can Support”

THE NEW YORK TIMES: “In a rather dramatic show of force, 22 Senate Republicans attended a news conference in a grassy park outside the Senate office buildings to trumpet the Gas Price Reduction Act of 2008. Most of them did not get a chance to speak, underscoring their dedication to the issue, since most senators do not relish playing a backdrop role.” (“An Inexhaustible Energy Source: Heated Words. But Can It Be Tapped?” The New York Times, 06/27/08)

“This time, with gas prices pushing $4 a gallon and more, opposition may be weakening.” (“Years after failed push, offshore drilling finds some new champions,” The Virginian Pilot, 06/28/08)

ROLL CALL: “In an acknowledgment that something must be done on the record-breaking gasoline prices, Senate Republicans are attempting to craft an energy package that Democrats can support. GOP Senators met for a second time Tuesday afternoon to discuss an energy package that would attract more than the usual suspects on the Democratic side.” (“GOP Floats Energy Proposals,” Roll Call, 06/24/08)

ASSOCIATED PRESS: “Separately, Senate Republicans proposed a revised energy package Thursday that would allow states to petition the Interior Department to lift the federal offshore drilling moratorium off their coasts, 50 miles from shore. States would get a financial windfall, 37.5 percent of the federal royalties. The GOP proposal, which also would provide incentives for developing plug-in electric hybrid automobiles and lift a prohibition on developing oil shale in the West, has 43 GOP co-sponsors. (House approves financial help for mass transit, Associated Press, 06/26/08)