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SRCC: The Politics Of Trees
November 6th, 2007 -
Democrats’ Latest Procedural Move, “Filling The Tree,’’ Was Condemned As “Bad Practice’’ By Democrats Under Republican Leadership


SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV) On Filling The Tree: “This Is A Very Bad Practice. It Runs Against The Basic Nature Of The Senate.” (Sen. Reid, Congressional Record, S.1522-3, 02/28/06)

    *    SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV) On Filling The Tree: “This Is A Bad Way, In My Opinion, To Run This Senate.” (Sen. Reid, Congressional Record, S.1609, 03/02/06)

SEN. TOM HARKIN (D-IA): “I Cannot Offer An Amendment To This Bill Because Of The Games The Leader On The Other Side Played In Terms Of How He Brought It Up Under Cloture And Filled The Tree, As They Say. That Is Just Gobbledygook, Meaning The Majority Leader Is Able To Engineer The Way The Bill Is Brought Up So We Cannot Offer Amendments To It.” (Sen. Harkin, Congressional Record, S.8495, 08/01/06)

SEN. BYRON DORGAN (D-ND): “I Have A Right, Under The Procedures Of The Senate, To Offer This Amendment. I Should Have The Right To Offer It At The Moment But I Am Not Because There Is--I Guess The Word "Obstruction'' Is To Be Used--Obstruction At The Moment Is The Tree Is Filled So That No One Can Offer An Amendment.” (Sen. Dorgan, Congressional Record, S.480, 02/02/06)

SEN. DICK DURBIN (D-IL): “If You Don't Want To Cast Controversial Votes, Don't Run For The Senate. That Is What This Is All About. You Have To Face The Music And Face The Voters.” “The Republican majority brings a bill to the Senate, fills the tree so no amendments can be offered, and then files cloture, which stops debate. So we cannot have this conversation. We cannot offer other amendments. …   I remind them what my former colleague from Oklahoma, Mike Synar, used to say: If you don't want to fight fires, don’t be a firefighter. If you don't want to cast controversial votes, don't run for the Senate. That is what this is all about. You have to face the music and face the voters. The Senator from Tennessee, the majority leader, is trying to protect and insulate his Senators from a delicate and difficult political vote.” (Sen. Durbin, Congressional Record, S.4428, 05/11/06)

SEN. RUSS FEINGOLD (D-WI): “Using Procedural Maneuvers Like This To Prevent The Senate From Debating And Voting On Amendments Is An Insult To The Institution, And It Is An Insult To Every One Of My Colleagues.” “Before the recess, I filed four amendments to S. 2271, but I was prevented from calling them up because the majority leader used the procedural tactic of filling the amendment tree in order to prevent Senators from offering and getting votes on amendments. Using procedural maneuvers like this to prevent the Senate from debating and voting on amendments is an insult to the institution, and it is an insult to every one of my colleagues.” (Sen. Feingold, Congressional Record, S.1519, 02/28/06)