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McConnell Statement On The Yet-To-Be-Written Democrat Spending/Bailout Bill
November 17th, 2008 -
‘We owe it to the people of Nevada, Kentucky and all across America to make known the impact this bailout would have on the deficit; the taxpayers deserve to know if this bailout would increase the national debt and raise their taxes’

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Friday in response to a letter from the Majority Leader regarding an as-yet unwritten spending and bailout bill:

“Senator Reid has not yet provided us with the text of his proposed spending bill, or the cost to the taxpayer, or its impact on the deficit. So it would be a real challenge to promise any level of support or opposition sight unseen. And while Sen. Reid’s public comments referenced our private conversation on the level of support for his yet unwritten bill, we don’t yet know if there is even sufficient support from within his own ranks. It would be helpful to know if a majority of his caucus even supports what he will propose. The silence from the Democrat rank and file on this matter has been deafening.

“We owe it to the people of Nevada, Kentucky and all across America to make known the impact this bailout would have on the deficit; the taxpayers deserve to know if this bailout would increase the national debt and raise their taxes. Perhaps when a bill is actually written, and its costs are known, both Republicans and Democrats can take a position on the legislation. But it sure would be helpful to actually see the bill before commenting on it.”