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McConnell: Dem Funding 'Deal' Unacceptable
December 10th, 2007 - LOUISVILLE – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Saturday regarding reports that Congressional Democrats were negotiating among themselves on ways to meet the Pentagon’s request for troop funding, but significantly exceed the President’s request on other funding bills:

“While it’s certainly encouraging to see Congressional Democrats stand up to the anti-war fringe and start the process of living up to Congress’ commitment to fund the troops in harm’s way, the rest of their self-negotiated ‘deal’ described in today’s press reports remains unacceptable to Congressional Republicans. The funding levels they are reportedly prepared to offer for their 11 unfinished funding bills is too much to ask of the American taxpayer.

“Moreover, the funds they reportedly are prepared to provide the troops are insufficient to adequately provide for our troops in the field and they deserve better from Congress than that.

“Finally, while I appreciate the movement in the right direction on the part of Congressional Democrats toward concluding this Congress, we must not overspend the taxpayer's money and we must protect our troops; the deal described in recent press reports falls short of that mark.

“We need to keep working together until we meet these two goals.”
