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Sessions Amendment: Restore Funding to the Office of Labor Management Standards
October 18th, 2007 - This week, the Senate will likely consider Senator Sessions’ Labor-HHS-Education bill amendment regarding the Office of Labor Management Standards (OLMS) at the Department of Labor. 

The Labor-HHS appropriations bill provides $45.7 million for the Office of Labor Management Standards, representing a $2 million decrease from the FY 2007 level and an $11 million cut from the president’s recommendation.  The Sessions amendment would provide a total of $50.7 million for the office, including $3 million for audit and enforcement measures.

OLMS is responsible for protecting the rights of dues-paying union members by holding unions accountable for their financial transactions and by cracking down on corrupt union officials.

Unions are not required by law to have independent audits performed, so OLMS is the only protection offered to union members.

Last year, 15,800 unions filed financial reports with OLMS; however, the agency only had the ability to audit 4.6 percent of the filed reports.


OLMS has been extremely successful in prosecuting financial fraud, as revealed by its audits.  Over the last seven years, OLMS has performed audits of 3,267 union financial statements, resulting in 827 indictments and 790 convictions.  In addition, courts have ordered more than $100 million in restitution to union members during the same time period.

Congress has consistently relied on transparency as an effective method to prevent financial fraud and abuse – for example, in campaign finance, lobbyist disclosure, and corporate finance regulations.  Union members want and deserve this same transparency and accountability.

OLMS funding has not kept pace with that of other enforcement agencies.  For example, the Labor-HHS appropriations bill provides a $12.8 million increase in funding for the Securities and Exchange Commission — the oversight agency for publicly traded companies — while actually cutting funds from OLMS.

Funding for OLMS in the Sessions amendment will be offset by a decrease in funds provided to the International Labor Organization, a U.N. affiliate agency based in Geneva, Switzerland.  Union members need protection at home, not in Europe.