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“Ping-Ponging” Our National Security
March 12th, 2008 -
House Democrats Prepare To Leave Town Again Without Protecting Our Country

AFP:  “The White House and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Tuesday said the House of Representatives was drawing up a new wiretap law that would hamper their job of protecting the people.” (“New Wiretap Bill Would Leave US Vulnerable: White House,” AFP, 03/12/08) 

POLITICO:  “After weeks of negotiations and no final settlement, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) signaled Thursday night that she is ready to fall back on the strategy of “ping-ponging” alternatives back and forth between the two chambers.”  (“House To Send FISA Back To Senate,” Politico, 03/06/08)

THE NEW YORK TIMES:  “The idea of giving federal courts specific jurisdiction to determine the immunity issue is somewhat similar to a proposal made in the Senate by Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California. That was soundly defeated by a vote of 57 to 41.”  (“House Steers Its Own Path On Wiretaps,” The New York Times, 03/11/08)

THE NEW YORK TIMES:  “With some conservative Democrats in the House favoring immunity for the phone companies, Democratic leaders conceded that the proposal would face opposition even within their own party. And they said that even if it were approved by the House, it was certain to face strong opposition from the White House and probable defeat in the Senate.” (“House Steers Its Own Path On Wiretaps,” The New York Times, 03/11/08)

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL:  “By resisting White House pressure to accept the immunity provision, the proposal virtually ensures that the heated debate over how to revise domestic surveillance laws will continue past this week, as lawmakers prepare to depart Friday for a two-week recess. A temporary measure to expand spy powers expired Feb. 16.”  (“House Democrats Defy White House On Spy Program,” The Wall Street Journal,  03/10/08)

CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY:  “The new bill gives House Democrats the opportunity to show they are willing to act in the days before a recess, and to establish the direction they’d like the legislation to go. But it would leave the two chambers far apart on the issue of retroactive immunity.” (“House Carves A New Path On FISA,” CQ Today, 03/10/08) 

THE NEW YORK TIMES:  “In continued defiance of the White House, House Democratic leaders are readying a proposal that would reject giving legal protection to the phone companies that helped in the National Security Agency’s program of wiretapping without warrants after the Sept. 11 attacks, Congressional officials said Monday.” (“House Steers Its Own Path On Wiretaps,” The New York Times, 03/11/08)