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SRCC: Webb Amendment Increases Demand On National Guard
September 19th, 2007 -
Democrats Champion Legislation That Would Result In “Increasing The Deployment Of The National Guard”

Secretary Of Defense And Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Say Webb Amendment Would Force Military To Rely “Heavily” On “The Guard And Reserve”:

ROBERT GATES, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE On The Implications Of Webb Amendment: “We Would Have To Look At Significantly Increasing The Deployment Of The National Guard And Reserve.” “…let me give you a few examples of what we would have to look at in order to comply with some of these [amendments] -- for example, the Webb amendment. …  we would have to look at significantly increasing the deployment of the National Guard and Reserve units due to tighter constraints placed on the active force.” (Sec. Gates, Press Conference, 09/14/07)

GEN. PETER PACE, CHAIRMAN, JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF On The Implications Of Webb Amendment: “It Really Takes Hold” With “Combat Service Support Units, And These Are The Ones That We Rely Very Heavily In Many Cases On The Guard And Reserve.” “It really takes hold not at the combat brigade level, the 15 brigades, the 20 brigades -- the things that you properly point out the Army has in fact laid out for the next period of time, so that's as you described it -- below that, though, you've got all the combat support -- combat service support units, and these are the ones that we rely very heavily in many cases on the Guard and Reserve. And when you start mixing and matching them and get the right amount of time at home for individuals -- we want to respect the no more than 12-month mobilization time for the Guard and Reserve so that they have predictables as well -- when you look at all the things that you want to be able to do to provide the stability and predictability to the force, you turn -- it's like a kaleidoscope; when you just turn it, everything else around it turns. And it's just not -- it's just not simple math. So when people start picking at pieces of the process, it impacts parts of the process that you really don't even see until you try to react to that and make it work.” (Gen. Pace, Press Conference, 09/14/07)


Yet Democrats Claim The National Guard Is Already “Crippled,” “Overstretched”:

SEN. DEBBIE STABENOW (D-MI):  “[T]his Government Is Abusing This Resource, These People.” “In Michigan, 1,644 Guard members, 1,644 families, 1,644 missed birthdays, Father's Day, Mother's Day, missed high school graduations, baby's first steps, anniversaries, family funerals, Christmas, other holidays. … These members of the Michigan National Guard make up only a fraction of the 160,000 men and women in uniform currently serving in Iraq and countless others who have served. In too many cases, these men and women are back in Iraq for their second, third, and now fourth redeployment. Our fighting men and women are the greatest resource we have. They make us proud every single day. But, unfortunately, this Government is abusing this resource, these people.” (Sen. Stabenow, Congressional Record, S.8932, 07/10/07)

SEN. MARY LANDRIEU (D-LA): “Our Armed Forces Are Completely Overstretched With Extended Tours Of Duty In Iraq And Afghanistan … [The Webb] Amendment Will Be A Huge Improvement To Military Retention For Our National Guard And Reserve Units.” “Our armed forces are completely overstretched with extended tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan… We have been fighting this war for four years, and it's time to give our fighting men and women a reprieve. This amendment will be a huge improvement to military retention for our National Guard and Reserve units by allowing these units the time they need to reunite with their families and adequately prepare for their next mission.” (Sen. Landrieu, “Landrieu Cosponsors Amendment To Keep Troops Home With Their Families More Often,” Press Release, 07/09/07)

SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “The Toll Of The War In Iraq Crippled The Ability Of Our National Guard To Do The Dangerous And Heroic Jobs They Are Charged With Doing.” “In the wake of the tragic tornadoes that ripped through Kansas this past weekend, our National Guard did the best job it could there, a fantastic job, and we are grateful for their work, of course, but the toll of the war in Iraq crippled the ability of our National Guard to do the dangerous and heroic jobs they are charged with doing.” (Sen. Reid, Congressional Record, S.5695, 05/08/07)


Democrats Claim That Disaster “Recovery Efforts” Have Been Hampered By Deployment Of The National Guard

SEN. JOE BIDEN (D-DE): “When A Tornado Wiped 80 Square Blocks Of Greensburg, KS, Off The Map, The State’s National Guard Was Slow In Responding. Why? Because Much Of Its Manpower And Equipment Is In Iraq. Across the country, our Governors have been warning for months that their National Guards are not prepared for the next local disaster because they are tied down overseas; or, even if they are home, because they took their equipment overseas when they were deployed and were unable to bring it back, they are ill prepared in terms of manpower and /or equipment.” (Sen. Biden, Congressional Record, S.5897, 05/10/07)

SEN. PATRICK LEAHY (D-VT): “Even When The Guard Equipment Makes It Into The Guard Stocks, It Is Often Quickly Turned Around And Sent Right Back Off To Iraq, Along With Deploying Guard Units, Many Of Which Now Face Their Second Iraq Deployment.” (Sen. Leahy, Congressional Record, S.5825-6, 05/09/07)

SEN. PATTY MURRAY (D-WA): “I Believe We Need To Address The Readiness Of Our Guard And Reserve So We Can Remain The Best In The World. … [T]he Governor Of Kansas Said Recovery Efforts…Were Hampered Because There Were Not Enough Personnel And Equipment. Where Were Those Resources? In Iraq, Not Here At Home.” (Sen. Murray, Congressional Record, S.6173, 05/16/07)

SEN. ROBERT BYRD (D-WV): “The Kansas Governor Pointed Out That Her State's National Guard Equipment Was Parked In Iraq And Not At Home, Slowing Cleanup And Recovery Efforts.” (Sen. Byrd, Congressional Record, S.6687, 05/24/07)
