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McConnell: A 'Christmas Tree' Approach Will Only Delay Economic Growth
January 31st, 2008 -
‘The Baucus proposal has become yet another Christmas tree and will only grow and slow down when it reaches the Senate floor’

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement regarding the ‘Christmas tree’ approach to the economic growth package and the need to quickly pass the bipartisan House-passed bill:  

“The fact that there were 10 provisions added to the Baucus proposal before it was even considered in committee, coupled with three more amendments added in the committee, only reinforces my view that the way to prevent more delay in the effort to boost the economy is to pass the bipartisan House-passed bill and quickly send it to the President for his signature.

“The Baucus proposal has become yet another Christmas tree and will only grow and slow down when it reaches the Senate floor. We need to act now, and the way to do that is the bill that passed the House by an overwhelming, bipartisan margin.”