PNW Research Station

General Technical Report PNW-GTR-572

Handbook to Additional Fungal Species of Special Concern in the Northwest Forest Plan by Michael A. Castellano, Efren Cazares, Bryan Fondrick, and Tina Dreisbach


Part 1 299 k
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Keys to Taxa
  • Acknowledgments
  • Literature Cited
  • Appendix 1 Helpful Hints
  • Appendix 2 Forms
  • Glossary
gtr-572 cover page
Part 2 2.35 Mb Species Albatrellus ellisii to Chromosera cyanophylla
Part 3 2.62 Mb Species Chrysomphalina grossula to Cordyceps ophioglossoides
Part 4 1.98 Mb Species Cortinarius barlowensis to Galerina atkinsoniana
Part 5 3.65 Mb Species Galerina cerina to Galerina sphagnicola
Part 6 3.21 Mb Species Galerina vittaeformis to Gyromitra melaleucoides
Part 7 2.41 Mb Species Gyromitra montana to Phaeocollybia fallax
Part 8 2.70 Mb Species Phaeocollybia olivacea to Rhizopogon truncatus
Part 9 1.77 Mb Species Rickenella swartzii to Tremiscus helvelloides