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Join National Priorities Project in working for positive change in 2009!

As our nation moves into a new era with a new administration, National Priorities Project is proud to work alongside you as together we continue to push for change. Things we once thought impossible now seem possible...but they are in no way assured.

NPP has set a bold agenda for the auspicious year ahead. Your participation is vital to our work. Please make a tax-deductible year-end gift to National Priorities Project today and help us hold elected officials accountable.

Donate NOW!
Donate online using our secure server.

Six reasons to give to National Priorities Project before the end of 2008:

  1. For 25 years, National Priorities Project has been the "go to" source for a clear and concise translation of the federal budget. The media, hundreds of organizations and elected officials, and tens of thousands of individuals utilize our research and data every year. Our work illustrates how mis-guided government spending and policy priorities cost U.S. communities dearly in resources that could be used to build decent schools, provide health insurance for children, protect the environment and meet other basic human needs.

  2. NPP's research unearths dense and often hidden federal budget information. This fall National Priorities Project released the groundbreaking report The Military Cost of Securing Energy, which found that the United States spends up to 30 percent of the military budget to defend our access to oil and natural gas reserves around the globe. Now it's time to expand the pressing economic stimulous conversation by highlighting strategic cuts to military spending which could result in funding for green jobs.

  3. We are committed to putting NPP's numbers to work for you through Networking and Training. This new department will increase the accessibility of NPP's current publications and generate new materials for increasingly diverse constituencies around the nation. Networking and Training is devoted to forging strategic alliances and to building the capacity of our partners/allies/potential allies so they can more effectively utilize NPP's data to promote social change.

  4. The power of partnership is highlighted by our collaborations in 2008 with powerful campaigns, coalitions, and the media:

  • The Obama Campaign used spending trade-offs and analysis from NPP for communities across the United States.
  • US Action used NPP's cost of war numbers and trade-offs in their Iraq War Campaign.
  • MoveOn promoted political action utilizing cost of the Iraq War numbers and trade-offs from NPP for every congressional District in the country.
  • The Nation collaborated with NPP on a centerfold graphic on the cost of war for the March 13, 2008 issue.
  1. You want facts? We've got 'em! National Priorities Project fact sheets break through the usual spin and distortions of the news. Whether you need information on The President's Budget, Military Recruitment, The Magnitude and Meaning of the Bailout, or Where Your Tax Dollars Go it's all available from our website by state, county or zip code!

  2. Knowledge is power. NPP can provide you - as an individual or as part of an organization - with the knowledge to be more powerful in creating the change our nation so dearly needs.

We have no time to lose. Your generosity in the next two weeks will leverage the impact of those working for justice around the country

National Priorities Project's research, proactive media work, and alliance-building are needed more than ever.

Happy NEW YEAR from the staff at National Priorities Project!

Donate NOW!
Donate online using our secure server.

Or, send your contribution to:

National Priorities Project
243 King Street, Suite 239
Northampton, MA 01060

National Priorities Project (NPP) is a 501(c)(3) research organization that analyzes and clarifies federal data so that people can understand and influence how their tax dollars are spent. Located in Northampton, MA, since 1983, NPP focuses on the impact of federal spending and other policies at the national, state, congressional district and local levels. Find out more at About Us.