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Citizens for Tax Justice is a nonpartisan, nonprofit research and advocacy organization dedicated to fair taxation at the federal, state, and local levels.

Recent Reports

Preliminary Analysis of Obama's Stimulus Tax Cuts: Could Be Worse, Could Be a Lot Better 1/9/2009

Senator McConnell's Proposed "Middle-Class Stimulus" Is Neither Middle-Class Nor Stimulative 1/9/2009

Taking a Holiday from Common Sense: Proposed National Sales Tax Holiday Offers Questionable Benefits to Consumers 12/24/08

Auto Industry Bill Would Have Expanded the Infamous "Wells Fargo Ruling" and Provided a Bailout for Illegal Tax Schemes 12/12/08

Principles for Progressive Taxation During a Recession 12/4/08

Latest State-by-State Data Show Why Obama Should Scale Back His Proposal to Cut the Estate Tax 12/3/08

New IRS Ruling on Bank Acquisitions Imposes Major Federal Corporate Tax Cuts - and Will Hurt States Too 11/7/08

The Effects of the Candidates' Tax Plans on Households at Different Income Levels: Examples 10/29/08

Only 2.5% of Taxpayers Would Lose Some of the Bush Tax Cuts in 2009 Under Obama's Tax Plan:
State-by-State Figures

Tax Justice Digest: The Failure of Supply-Side Tax Cuts 10/21/08

Does McCain Think Reagan Was a Socialist? 10/21/08

Obama and McCain Propose New Stimulus Plans, Including More Tax Breaks 10/20/08

Does Joe the Plumber Need a Tax Cut?

The Tax Proposals of Presidential Candidates John McCain and Barack Obama 10/16/08

McCain's Proposal to Increase the Tax Loophole for Capital Gains Would Be Unfair and Counterproductive 10/15/08

Time to Stop Subsidizing Wall Street: Eliminate the Tax Loopholes for Capital Gains and Dividends 10/1/08

Obama's Tax Cuts Would Go to the Middle Class, McCain's Would Go to the Wealthy, and Neither Proposes to Increase Federal Revenue 9/12/08

Right-Wing Spin Machine Uses Misleading Figures to Argue that the Tax Code Is More Progressive Under Bush 7/31/08

New Math: McCain Surrogate Claims that 23 Million Small Business Owners Are Among the Nation's Richest 1.4 Million Taxpayers! 7/18/08

Only 1% of Taxpayers Would Be Affected By Obama's Proposal to Increase the Social Security Payroll Tax for the Rich 7/07/08

House GOP Tax and Entitlement Plan Would Raise Taxes on Four Fifths of Americans While Slashing Taxes on the Wealthy 7/07/08

First Step in Shifting to Cleaner Energy: End Unjustified Tax Loopholes for Oil and Gas 7/02/08

Capital Gains and Dividends Tax Cuts Offer Almost No Benefit to Middle-Income Americans and Add to the Nation's Fiscal Problems 5/13/08

State-by-State Fact Sheets 5/13/08

President Bush Has Made Tax Day Easier for the Rich - at the Expense of Everyone Else 4/14/08

From the CTJ Archives: The False Messiah: Pete Peterson's Revelations Are Not Gospel Summer 1994


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