Land of the Giants 1935
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Land of the Giants 1935 - 23:37
National Archives and Records Administration -

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On California's State parks. Reel 1 shows forests, streams, waterfalls, brush, and mountains in Redwood, Humboldt, Calaveras, and Tamalpais ...all » On California's State parks. Reel 1 shows forests, streams, waterfalls, brush, and mountains in Redwood, Humboldt, Calaveras, and Tamalpais State Parks. CCC men clear undergrowth, cut and process lumber, dig culverts, build bridges, and work on roads and trails with bulldozers and tractors. Reel 2 shows views of Prairie Creek and Big Sur State Parks, including views of the San Jacinto mountain range. CCC men work and relax in the parks. Reel 3 shows Cuyamaca Ranch State Park. CCC men construct a wall, fell dead trees, build houses, and scatter poison to kill pests. Includes views of marshes and wildfowl refuges. ARC ID: 11663 Keywords: Architecture; Earthmoving machinery; Mountains; California--Big Sur State Park California--Calaveras State Park California--Cuyamaca Ranch State Park California--Humboldt Redwood State Park California--Prairie Creek State Park California--Redwood State Park California--San Jacinto Mountain State Park California--Tamalpais State Park Civilian Conservation Corps; Department of the Interior.«

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