The Knowledge Bank 1971
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The Knowledge Bank 1971 - 25:09 - Jan 1, 1971
National Archives and Records Administration -

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This film shows how the tools of research in near-earth space have progressed since Benjamin Franklin's time to the sounding rockets and unm...all » This film shows how the tools of research in near-earth space have progressed since Benjamin Franklin's time to the sounding rockets and unmanned earth-orbiting satellites of today. This film pictures the type of data that was being collected by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) from its space excursions and its solar, astronomical, and geophysical observatories. Also, it includes animated sequences. This film takes a broad look at physics and astronomy research performed in the laboratory of space - - a laboratory teeming with particles, fields, streams, flares, quasars, and pulsars. ARC ID: 649402 Keywords: Astronautics; Space sciences; Gallagher, Charles.; Hughes, Charles; Headlee, Joseph, film producer and director; Headlee, Joseph, film producer and director; Merriken, George, film editor«

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