Space for Women 1981
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Space for Women 1981 - 27:10 - Dec 31, 1980
National Archives and Records Administration -

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This film interviews women employed in NASA's space transportation programs and shows the variety of positions that they hold, ranging from ...all » This film interviews women employed in NASA's space transportation programs and shows the variety of positions that they hold, ranging from electrical engineer, aerial photography analyst, and safety specialist to astronaut mission specialist. It notes how the women obtained their training and qualified for their positions. Astronaut Anna Lee Fisher, Dr. Patricia Cowings, Shirley Cevalier, Sue Norman, Sharon Orkansky, Brenda Willis, and Astronaut Catherine Sullivan are profiled. This film was designed for use in career education and guidance classes. ARC ID: 649459 Keywords: Women in astronautics; Greaves, William; Greaves, William; Montalban, Ricardo; Stanford, Bruce; Ipear, Robert, cameraman«

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