Special Report

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Last week, over the Senate Thanksgiving recess, I traveled to Kuwait and Iraq with Senator Jon Tester of Montana in order to exchange views with Iraqi leaders, have discussions with American military and civilian officials in Baghdad, and visit Army and Marine Corps units in the field. During this trip I was also pleased to have the opportunity to meet with members of the Virginia Army National Guard's 3rd battalion, 116th brigade at Kuwait Naval Base in order to express my gratitude for their service.

I remain deeply grateful for the service of our military men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their hard work has been a factor in the recent downturn of violence in Iraq. It is now critical that the Administration take advantage of this moment by implementing a regional diplomatic effort that would allow for greater stability in the region and enable us to reduce our presence in Iraq.

I've included pictures from my visit, as well as links to media interviews that I gave from Iraq and from home, upon my return. If you find this information useful, you might want to forward this newsletter to a friend.

Jim Webb


On Friday, Senators Webb and Tester were interviewed live from Baghdad by Mika Brzezinski on MSNBC's Morning Joe program.

To watch the interview, please go to: http://media.senate.gov/outside/5572497113020075200.ram


Senator Webb on Meet The Press On Sunday, Senator Webb appeared on NBC's Meet the Press to discuss his recent trip to Iraq, the situation with respect to a wide variety of geographical and cultural issues now in play in that country, and the need for a regional diplomatic initiative that would increase stability while allowing a reduction of America's presence in Iraq. Senator Webb also extensively discussed Iran.

To watch the Meet the Press interview, please go to: http://democrats.senate.gov/av/webb/120307webb.rm


Below is an excerpt from a December 4th Virginian Pilot editorial entitled "Webb's New Question: In Iraq Forever?"

Even when he's playing the same political game as everybody else, Senator Jim Webb refuses to abide by the rules, including the one that requires politicians to reduce every issue to a yes or no sound bite.

Asked a simple question by Tim Russert about how the surge is going in Iraq, Webb provided a four-part answer that stretched on for several minutes and 723 words, including nuances about geography and religion, history and perspective that have been sorely missing from Washington's debate. ...

To read the entire Virginian Pilot Editorial, please go to: http://webb.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=288159&


Below are a series of photos from Senator Webb's trip to Iraq and Kuwait:

Photo Credit: Gordon Peterson (Nov. 29, 2007)

Senator Jim Webb (center) and Senator Jon Tester (center left), escorted by Col. John Charlton (left), commander of the U.S. Army's 1st Brigade Combat Team, tour "Hurricane Point" in Ramadi, Iraq, during a visit to Anbar Province.

Photo Credit: Gordon Peterson (Nov. 29, 2007)

During a visit to Ramadi in Iraq's al-Anbar Province Nov. 29, 2007, Senator Jim Webb gained a richer appreciation for his son's combat tour there with the 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment in 2006 and 2007. Webb is pictured here at "Hurricane Point" in Ramadi, a site along the Euphrates River close to his son's former battalion command post.

Photo Credit: Gordon Peterson (Nov. 29, 2007)

Senator Jim Webb confers with Sgt. Major Scott D. Reeves, USMC, of Petersburg, VA (center), and Capt. Daniel Gaskell, USMC, of Stafford, VA (right), during a Nov. 29, 2007, visit to a joint U.S.-Iraqi security station in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's al-Anbar province. Marines from the battalion jointly man the security station and patrol the city with Iraqi police. Reeves is the command sergeant major of the 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, and Gaskell commands Foxtrot Company in the battalion.

Photo Credit: Gordon Peterson (Nov. 30, 2007)

Senator Jim Webb confers with Brig. Gen. Edward Cardon (center right), deputy commanding general (support) of the U.S. Army's 3rd Infantry Division, following a Nov. 30, 2007, visit with soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division stationed in Iskandariyah, Iraq. Located 30 miles south of Baghdad near the Euphrates River, the city is largely populated by Shia Muslims. Also pictured are Thomas Timberman (center left), director of an Embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team in Iskandariyah, and Lt. Col. Michael Getchell (back to camera), commander of the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division.

Photo Credit: Gordon Peterson (Nov. 29, 2007)

Senator Jim Webb receives a briefing on the security situation in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's al-Anbar province, from Lt. Col. Jay M. Bargeron, commander of the 2nd Battalion, Eighth Marine Regiment, during a visit Nov. 29, 2007, to a U.S.-Iraqi joint security station in Ramadi. U.S. Marines from the battalion man the security station and patrol the city with Iraqi police.

Photo Credit: Jennifer Park (Nov. 29, 2007)

Senator Jim Webb and Senator Jon Tester speak with General Petraeus, Commander of Multinational Forces in Iraq on the security situation in Iraq.

Photo Credit: Gordon Peterson (Nov. 30, 2007)

Senator Jon Tester and Senator Jim Webb confer with Dr. Barham Salih, Iraq's deputy prime minister, during a meeting in Baghdad Nov. 30, 2007. Senators Webb and Tester visited several U.S. military units in Kuwait and Iraq during a two-day visit to the region.

Photo Credit: Sgt. David Begley (Nov. 30, 2007)

Senator Webb with the Virginia Army National Guard 3rd battalion, 116th brigade at Kuwait Naval Base.

Photo Credit: Sgt. David Begley (Nov. 30, 2007)

Senator Webb with Virginia Army National Guard 3rd battalion, 116th brigade at Kuwait Naval Base.

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