Webb's Washington Week

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2007

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JEC Hearing Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to explore a problem that I have been deeply concerned about for decades: the issue of fairness in the U.S. prison system. There's something wrong when the U.S. has 5% of the world's population, but 25% of the worlds prison population. We want to keep bad people off the streets. We want to reduce gang activity and cut down on violent behavior. But there's something else going on when were locking up such a high percent of our people-marking them at an early age and in many cases eliminating their chances for a productive life as full citizens.

That's why I held a Joint Economic Committee (JEC) hearing to explore the steep increase in the U.S. prison population and the social and economic consequences of incarceration. The Committee heard from a number of experts in the field who discussed the reasons behind this growth in the prison population, whether it correlates with decreases in crime, the economic costs of maintaining the prison system, the long-term labor market and social costs of mass incarceration, and policy solutions that can alleviate this crisis while maintaining public safety.

To learn more about this hearing, please go to: http://webb.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=285329

To read the Roanoke Times editorial: Break out of the prison paradigm please go to: http://webb.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=285532&


Webb & Children

The President this week vetoed the bipartisan measure authorizing the Children's Healthcare Insurance Program (CHIP) which would have provided health insurance to hundreds of thousands of Virginia's children. This is a great disappointment to parents across the country.

A strong majority in the House, a strong majority in the Senate, and, according to a new CBS poll, more than 80 percent of Americans support the CHIP bill which would cover 3.8 million more low-income children.

CHIP funds are critical to Virginia, which stands to receive an additional $46.7 million in funding for the Commonwealth's Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan (FAMIS), Virginia's CHIP program.

Last year in Virginia alone, 137,181 low-income children received health insurance coverage under CHIP, yet thousands more would benefit under this year's legislation. The new CHIP legislation will also improve access to dental and mental health coverage for children.

We need to strengthen access to quality health care in the United States. I supported the CHIP bill because I am strongly committed to providing health insurance to children from low-income families. I will continue to work on behalf of Virginia's children to expand the program to provide dental care and forward-looking health and wellness programs to prevent future health problems.

To read about my support of this issue, please go to: http://webb.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=284461


Webb & McCaskillOver the past five years, I have closely followed the growing problem of security contractors in Iraq, such as Blackwater. The lack of oversight over these quasi-military personnel is unacceptable.

The Senate has approved two pieces of legislation sponsored by Senator McCaskill and myself that require more accountability and transparency in how the U.S. does business during wartime.

Our first measure, passed unanimously in the Senate, requires the Department of Defense to keep a closer eye on security contractors abroad, monitor and report unlawful activities, and better train contractors about their roles and what activities they are allowed to perform. The second piece of legislation, as I discussed in my last newsletter, sets up a Commission on Wartime Contracting, modeled after the Truman Committee of World War II, that will seek out waste, fraud, and abuse and find solutions to fix the systemic problems in wartime contracting.

I am proud that the Senate passed these important measures in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2007 and look forward to the House of Representatives taking up this legislation as soon as this week.

For more information on this issue, please go to: http://webb.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=284477

To read the Virginian-Pilot editorial, Congress gets serious on war profiteers please go to: http://content.hamptonroads.com/story.cfm?story=133854&ran=186652


Navy Day 2007

On Saturday, October 13th, 2007, I delivered remarks at the 2007 Navy Day celebration, commemorating the Navy's 232nd birthday and the 20th Anniversary of the United States Navy Memorial. Twenty years ago, I participated in the Memorial's dedication while serving as Secretary of the Navy.

I spoke of how far the Navy force structure has been reduced since my tenure as Secretary of the Navy. That was a different time in our history, with different strategic issues. But I am concerned today about how far the Navy force structure has been allowed to deteriorate. We need to reverse the steady slide in shipbuilding.

The Navy Memorial is a symbol of the sacrifices Navy people and their families have made throughout our history to keep our country safe and free.

To view pictures from the event, please go to: http://www.webb.senate.gov/newsroom/photo_gallery.cfm

To read an article about the event, please go to: http://www.navytimes.com/news/2007/10/navy_webb_biggerfleet_071016w/


Webb at VRE StationEarlier this month, I visited the Woodbridge VRE station and spoke with executives and commuters of Virginia Railroad Express (VRE) about how to address Virginia's growing transportation and congestion challenges. The Woodbridge VRE station serves as a hub for Amtrak, Greyhound, bicycle riders, and local bus services, illustrates how multiple modes of transportation at one facility can reduce congestion on Virginia's roadways.

During my visit, I announced that more than $11 million in federal funding has been allocated for additional VRE rail cars and road improvements for the I-95 corridor. A more vibrant and reliable VRE will create more options for commuters looking for alternative modes of transportation.

I was pleased to learn about the expansion of current transit service areas and also hear about how VRE and CSX are working together to improve customer service and ensure that trains run on time. Ridership is up 6% since last September--no doubt as a result of better on-time performance.

To read an article from the Potomac News, Webb: VRE can win Hill funding, please go to: http://www.potomacnews.com/servlet/Satellite?


Internet cables Last week, Senator Warner and I were successful in securing $2 million for high-speed Internet expansion on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. High-speed Internet service on the Eastern Shore is essential to attracting new businesses and spurring economic development. Thanks to the hard work of Delegate Lynwood Lewis, Governor Tim Kaine and Governor Mark Warner, funding for the project was secured at the state level, as well.

I also co-sponsored the bipartisan Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act that makes permanent a moratorium on Internet access taxes that is set to expire on November 1. The legislation permanently bans state and local taxes on Internet access which, in my view, is necessary to protect consumers and continue the expansion of high-speed Internet connection.

Perhaps more than any other medium, the Internet provides an open and free marketplace of ideas and speech. It is increasingly indispensable to educational and career advancement in today's society. As we continue to expand broadband technology across the Commonwealth, from Southwest Virginia to the Eastern Shore, we need to ensure that Internet communication is available and accessible to all.

To read the press release, please go to: http://webb.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=285332


Last Tuesday, I endorsed legislation to grant federal recognition to six Indian tribes in Virginia, a status that would qualify the tribes for certain benefits provided through the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and other federal agencies. The bill, sponsored in the House by Representative Jim Moran, was passed in the House and would extend federal recognition to the Chickahominy Tribe; the Chickahominy Indian Tribe Eastern Division; the Upper Mattaponi Tribe; the Rappahannock Tribe, Inc.; the Monacan Indian Nation; and the Nansemond Indian Tribe.

I have spent several months examining this issue in great detail, including information about the rich history and culture of Virginia's extraordinary Indian tribes. I believe that this legislation is a simple matter of fairness. Four hundred years after the founding of America's first colony at Jamestown, these six tribes deserve to join our nation's 562 other federally recognized tribes.

Federal recognition of Virginia's Indians enjoys strong, bipartisan support in Virginia. Governor Kaine and his predecessor Governor Mark Warner have supported recognition, and in 1999 both Houses of the Virginia General Assembly adopted resolutions endorcing federal recognition. The measure also has support from various religious and civic organizations.

This bill's enactment will go far toward providing Virginia's Indian tribes with the rcognition they so rightly deserve in this, the, 400th year anniversary of the founding of the Commonwealth.

To read the press release, please go to: http://webb.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=285458&


Corn FieldI contacted Acting Secretary of Agriculture Chuck Connor last week urging him to designate the Commonwealth of Virginia a statewide agricultural disaster area and Virginia received that designation. The disaster designation enables farmers and livestock producers affected by the recent drought conditions to apply for low-interest loans and qualify for federal assistance.

The widespread drought facing the Southeast is economically crippling the region and has already warranted the statewide disaster designations of Delaware, Maryland and Tennessee. The livelihood of Virginia's farmers and their families is at stake, and I'm glad that the Secretary of Agriculture moved swiftly in declaring a statewide disaster designation. Now we must continue to work to assess the damage caused by months of drought and high temperatures and find solutions to rebuild Virginia's agriculture.

Agriculture is extremely important to Virginia. Maintaining a vigorous agriculture industry is crucial to our nation's economy and environment. It is paramount that the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture expedites the federal aid required to help our local farming communities during this difficult time.

To read the letter to Secretary Connor and press release, please go to: http://webb.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=285496&

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