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110th Congress, 2d Session - - - - - - - - - - - - House Document 110-







                           PROTECTION AGENCY


  September 8, 2008.--Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and 
                         ordered to be printed
                                            The White House
                                        Washington, August 1, 2008.
Hon. Nancy Pelosi,
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Washington, DC.
    Dear Madam Speaker: I ask the Congress to consider the 
enclosed amendments to my FY 2009 Budget for the Departments of 
Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Health and Human Services, 
Homeland Security, the Interior, Labor, and State, as well as 
the Environmental Protection Agency. The amounts requested are 
fully offset by proposed reductions to other accounts.
    Overall, the discretionary budget authority proposed in my 
FY 2009 Budget would not be increased by these proposed 
    The details of these amendments are set forth in the 
enclosed letter from the Director of the Office of Management 
and Budget.
                                                    George W. Bush.
               [Estimate No. 7, 110th Cong., 2nd Session]

                 Executive Office of the President,
                           Office of Management and Budget,
                                     Washington, DC, July 31, 2008.
The President,
The White House.
    Submitted for your consideration are amendments to your FY 
2009 Budget for the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, 
Education, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, the 
Interior, Labor, and State, as well as the Environmental 
Protection Agency. These requests include proposed increases to 
accounts that would be fully offset by proposed cancellations 
or reductions of funding from lower-priority Federal programs 
and excess funds. Also included are requests for technical 
adjustments to amendments previously transmitted to the 
Congress. Further, the requests include adjustments that 
reflect necessary appropriations language changes to update 
your Budget to be consistent with enactment of Pub. L. No. 110-
246, the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (the 2008 
Farm Bill).
    Overall, the discretionary budget authority proposed in 
your FY 2009 Budget would not be increased by these proposed 
amendments. As described below and in more detail in the 
enclosures, the amendments include the following:
Department of Agriculture
    $172.3 million proposed increase for the first year 
stabilization and development cost associated with a plan to 
modernize the computer systems of the Farm Service Agency, and 
for implementation costs resulting from enactment of the 2008 
Farm Bill.
    $192.3 million in proposed decreases within the Department 
to fully offset the Farm Service Agency request, as well as to 
partially offset other increases proposed in this transmittal.
    $43.0 million proposed additional net decreases in the 
Department of Agriculture that reflect adjustments made to 
update the Budget request to be consistent with enactment of 
the 2008 Farm Bill.

Department of Education

    $50.0 million proposed increase for the Office of Federal 
Student Aid to ensure sufficient resources to implement student 
loan purchase authority provided in the Ensuring Continued 
Access to Student Loans Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-227); pay 
for increased servicing costs associated with any increase in 
Direct Loan volume; to implement the Lender of Last Resort 
program authorized in the Higher Education Act (20 U.S.C. 
Sec. 1078(j); and to conduct an independent audit of the 
student loan purchase authority.

Department of Commerce

    $13.0 million proposed increase for the National Oceanic 
and Atmospheric Administration to improve hurricane intensity 
and track forecasting.

Department of Health and Human Services

    $905.0 million proposed increase for the Public Health and 
Social Services (PHSSEF) to enhance the Nation's preparedness 
against a bioterrorist event through the advanced development 
of priority medical countermeasures and activities that support 
the distribution and dispensing of medical countermeasures. 
This funding would also improve the Nation's preparedness in 
the event of an influenza pandemic.
    $939.8 million reduction within the Department to fully 
offset the PHSSEF request, as well as to partially offset other 
increases proposed in this transmittal.

Department of the Interior

    $11.7 million proposed increase to fund remediation efforts 
within the Naval Oil Shale Reserve 3 in Colorado that would be 
fully offset by an $11.7 million proposed decrease of 
unobligated balances within the Department.

Department of Homeland Security

    $27.0 million proposed increase for the Office of Health 
Affairs to strengthen the Nation's preparedness against a 
bioterrorist event through the enhancement of the BioWatch 
environmental monitoring system. This proposal would be fully 
offset by a $27 million reduction with the Department.

Environmental Protection Agency

    $34.8 million increase in total for the Science and 
Technology and the Hazardous Substance Superfund accounts to 
address gaps in responding to and recovering from an anthrax 
attack. These proposed increases would be fully offset by 
proposed reductions to other accounts in this transmittal.

Other technical amendments

    Amendments to previously submitted proposals that impact 
the Departments of Homeland Security, Labor, and State.


    I have reviewed these requests and am satisfied that they 
are necessary at this time. Therefore, I join the heads of the 
affected agencies in recommending that you transmit the 
proposals to the Congress.
                                                Jim Nussle,
                       DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE

                          Farm Service Agency

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Pages: 105-106
FY 2009 Pending Request: $1,188,580,000
Proposed Amendment: $172,309,000
Revised Request: $1,360,889,000

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
``$1,188,580,000'' and substitute, $1,360,889,000 and add the 
following new proviso following the last bracket and before the 
    Provided further, That of the amounts made available, 
$117,309,000 shall be for the first year stabilization and 
development cost associated with a plan to modernize the 
computer systems of the Farm Service Agency.
    This amendment would provide an additional $172.3 million 
for the Farm Service Agency (FSA) Salaries and Expenses 
account. Of this amount, $117.3 million would be for the first 
year stabilization and development costs associated with a plan 
to modernize the FSA computer systems. The remaining $55.0 
million would be used primarily to support additional temporary 
staff years and information technology requirements associated 
with new and revised programs in the 2008 Farm Bill (the Food, 
Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, Pub. L. No. 110-246).
    The requested increase in budget authority would be fully 
offset by proposed reductions to other accounts, as described 
in the accompanying amendments. Taken together, the budget 
authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

            National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


House Document 110-123 Page: 18
FY 2009 Pending Request: $2,827,253,000
Proposed Amendment: $10,000,000
Revised Request: $2,837,253,000

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
``$2,827,253,000'' in both the first clause and the third 
proviso and substitute in both places $2,837,253,000; delete 
``$2,920,253,000'' from the third proviso and substitute 
    This amendment would provide an additional $10 million for 
the Operations, Research, and Facilities account. These funds 
would be used to improve hurricane intensity and track 
forecasting by expanding modeling efforts for the Hurricane 
Forecast System and the Global Forecast System, as well as by 
increasing aviation services to collect critical hurricane 
    The requested increase in budget authority would be fully 
offset by proposed reductions to other accounts, as described 
in the accompanying amendments. Taken together, the budget 
authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

            National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


House Document 110-123 Page: 19
FY 2009 Pending Request: $1,229,660,000
Proposed Amendment: $3,000,000
Revised Request: $1,232,660,000

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
``$1,229,660,000'' and substitute $1,232,660,000.)
    This amendment would provide an additional $3 million for 
the Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction account. The 
additional funds would be used for leasing additional 
supercomputing capacity necessary to improve hurricane 
intensity and track forecasting capabilities.
    The requested increase in budget authority would be fully 
offset by proposed reductions to other accounts, as described 
in the accompanying amendments. Taken together, the budget 
authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                        DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

                     Office of Federal Student Aid

                       STUDENT AID ADMINISTRATION

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 359
FY 2009 Pending Request: $714,000,000
Proposed Amendment: $50,000,000
Revised Request: $764,000,000

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
``$714,000,000'' and substitute $764,000,000, and insert the 
following immediately before the concluding period:)

Provided, That these funds are available for an independent 
audit of programs and activities authorized under Pub. L. No. 
    This amendment would provide an additional $50 million for 
the Office of Federal Student Aid, Student Aid Administration 
account. This increase would ensure sufficient resources are 
available for the following purposes:
    <bullet> To implement the student loan purchase authority 
included in the Ensuring Continued Access to Student Loans Act 
of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-227);
    <bullet> To pay for increased servicing costs associated 
with any increase in Direct Loan volume in both the 2008-2009 
and 2009-2010 academic years;
    <bullet> To implement the Lender of Last Resort program 
authorized under section 428(j) of the Higher Education Act (20 
U.S.C. Sec. 1078(j)); and
    <bullet> To conduct an independent audit of the student 
loan purchase authority authorized under Pub. L. No. 110-227.
    The requested increase in budget authority would be fully 
offset by proposed reductions to other accounts, as described 
in the accompanying amendments. Taken together, the budget 
authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                       DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR

                       Bureau of Land Management

                             SHALE RESERVES

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 603
FY 2009 Pending Request: -$24,700,000
Proposed Amendment: $11,704,000
Revised Request: -$12,996,000

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
``$24,700,000'' and substitute $12,996,000.)
    This amendment would increase the amount of unobligated 
balances available to this account by $11.7 million. These 
balances were previously proposed for cancellation in the FY 
2009 Budget.
    Pursuant to section 7439 of title 10, United States Code, a 
special account was established, in addition to other purposes, 
to fund the environmental investigation and restoration of a 
site within the Naval Oil Shale Reserve Number 3 in Colorado. 
The fund collects certain oil and gas leasing receipts and 
makes some of those funds available, without further 
    The 2009 Budget proposed to cancel $24.7 million in 
appropriated balances that were not expected to be needed to 
complete the required cleanup authorized by the Act. Cost 
estimates for the restoration have since increased, so this 
amendment would reduce the amount to be cancelled from the 
    The requested increase in budget authority would be fully 
offset by a proposed reduction within the Bureau of Land 
Management, as described in an accompanying amendment. Taken 
together, the budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget 
would not be affected.
                       DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR

                       Bureau of Land Management


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 616
FY 2009 Pending Request: $30,811,000
Proposed Amendment: -$11,704,000
Revised Request: $19,107,000

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, insert 
the following new paragraph immediately after the concluding 
    Of the unobligated balances available under this heading, 
$11,704,000 are hereby permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would permanently cancel $11.7 million of 
unobligated balances in the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund 
account for coal reclamation grants.
    The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) 
Amendments of 2006 (Title II, Pub. L. No. 109-432, 120 Stat. 
3006) significantly increased the amount of mandatory funds 
provided to States for coal reclamation, beginning in 2008 and 
increasing in 2009 and future years. As a result, the FY 2009 
Budget proposes to terminate the discretionary coal reclamation 
grant program, the purposes of which can be accomplished with 
the SMCRA mandatory funds. This amendment would reduce by about 
half the amount of carryover balances that would be available 
to States as they transition from discretionary to mandatory 
    The $11.7 million decrease would be used to fully offset 
the proposed increase within the Bureau of Land Management, as 
described in an accompanying amendment. Taken together, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                       DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE

                           GENERAL PROVISIONS

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 199
FY 2009 Pending Request: ---
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: ---

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
the appropriations language in section 710 in its entirety and 
substitute the following:)
    None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and 
expenses of personnel to carry out the following: (a) an 
Environmental Quality Incentives Program authorized by 16 
U.S.C. Sec. 3839aa, et seq., as amended by subtitle F of Title 
II of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 
No. 110-46), in excess of $1,050,000,000. Funds exceeding this 
amount for fiscal year 2009 are hereby permanently cancelled; 
(b) an Agricultural Management Assistance Program authorized by 
section 524 of the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 
Sec. 1524), as amended by the Food, Conservation, and Energy 
Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-246). $15,000,000 of the funds 
available for this program for fiscal year 2009 are hereby 
permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would update appropriations language in the 
pending request to reflect enactment of the 2008 Farm Bill (the 
Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, Pub. L. No. 110-
246). This amendment clarifies the effect that this most recent 
Farm Bill has on the FY 2009 Budget for three programs: the 
Environmental Quality Incentives Program, the Conservation 
Security Program, and Agricultural Management Assistance.
    Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Due to the 
$1,337 million provided in FY 2009 for EQIP in the 2008 Farm 
Bill, the proposed $1,050 million limitation and complementary 
cancellation above in subsection 710(a) would yield a total 
savings of $287 million in FY 2009. This is $67 million in 
additional savings compared to what was assumed for the same 
language in the Budget request. The 2002 Farm Bill (the Farm 
Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, Pub. L. No. 107-171) 
that was current law at the time the Budget was released in 
February 2008 had appropriated only $1,270 million in FY 2009 
for EQIP.
    Conservation Security Program (CSP). Section 710(b) of the 
pending request has been proposed for deletion.
    Because the 2008 Farm Bill does not provide any new funding 
for CSP in FY 2009, this cancellation would no longer yield the 
savings that was assumed in the pending request.
    Agricultural Management Assistance. A $10 million proposed 
cancellation of all FY 2009 funding available for this program 
was included in the pending request. The 2008 Farm Bill 
increased the funding for such assistance in FY 2009 to $15 
million. In addition to the $10 million that was already 
assumed to be cancelled in the pending request, this amendment 
would permanently cancel the $5 million increase in funding.
    This amendment would increase net budget authority in the 
request by $12 million. This requested increase in budget 
authority would be fully offset by proposed reductions to other 
accounts, as described in the accompanying amendments. Taken 
together, the budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget 
would not be affected.
                       DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE

                           GENERAL PROVISIONS

House Document 110-124 Page: 4
FY 2009 Pending Request: ---
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: ---

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
the appropriations language in section 713 in its entirety and 
substitute the following:)
    Of the funding available under section 32 of the Act of 
August 24, 1935, as amended by section 14222 of the Food, 
Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-246), 
$100,000,000 are hereby permanently cancelled. In addition, 
section 14222(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Food, Conservation, and Energy 
Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-246) is amended by striking 
``$1,173,000,000'' and inserting ``$1,073,000,000''.
    This amendment would update appropriations language in the 
pending request to reflect enactment of the 2008 Farm Bill (the 
Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, Pub. L. No. 110-
246). This amendment clarifies the effect that this most recent 
Farm Bill has on the FY 2009 Budget for the Funds for 
Strengthening Markets, Income, and Supply (Section 32) program.
    Section 14222(b)(2) of the 2008 Farm Bill sets a maximum 
amount for the Section 32 program for the first time. Since the 
pending request does not lower the maximum amount available for 
the program, it will not result in budget authority savings. 
This proposed budget amendment not only would permanently 
cancel $100 million in funding, but would also lower the 
maximum amount in section 14222(b)(2)(A)(i). In addition, this 
amendment would change the cancellation amount from the $293 
million proposed in the Budget to $100 million.
    The pending request for the Section 32 program also 
appropriated $49 million in discretionary budget authority for 
administrative expenses from funds available under section 32, 
including $20 million for replacement of a system to support 
commodity purchases and $17 million for formulation and 
administration of marketing agreements and orders. OMB had 
assumed that a portion of this funding would be scored as a 
mandatory change in a discretionary appropriations bill. 
Because that appropriation will now be considered as part of 
the funding available under the maximum amount in section 
14222(b)(2)(A)(i), this will result in $12 million less in 
discretionary appropriations in FY 2009.
    This amendment would decrease net budget authority in the 
request by $55 million. Taken together with other proposals in 
this transmittal, as described in the accompanying amendments, 
the budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not 
be affected.
                       DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE

                           GENERAL PROVISIONS

House Document 110-123 Page: 9
Pending Request: ---
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: ---

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
``(Pub. L. No. 110-234)'' in the first sentence in section 718 
and substitute (Pub. L. No. 110-246) and add new sections 719-
730 after section 718.)
    This request would amend the Public Law citation in section 
718 to correctly reflect the most recently enacted version of 
the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008. Pursuant to 
section 4 of Pub. L. No. 110-246, Pub. L. No. 110-234 was 
repealed effective on the date of enactment of that Act.

It would also add the following new sections:
    Sec. 719. No funds shall be used to pay salaries and 
expenses of the Department of Agriculture to carry out or 
administer the program authorized by section 1240Q of the Food 
Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. Sec. 3839bb et seq.), as 
amended by section 2605 of the Food, Conservation, and Energy 
Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-246). Of the funds made available 
for this program for fiscal year 2009, $23,000,000 are hereby 
permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would permanently cancel $23 million in FY 
2009 funding for the newly created Chesapeake Bay Watershed 
Program. The program provides funding for producers to 
implement erosion control, nutrient control, and habitat 
conservation measures in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Existing 
Federal conservation programs, such as the Environmental 
Quality Incentives Program, which received slightly over $1.3 
billion for FY 2009 in the recently enacted 2008 Farm Bill, 
already address these needs. This proposed reduction would 
eliminate the FY 2009 funding for the program.
    Sec. 720. No funds shall be used to pay salaries and 
expenses of the Department of Agriculture to carry out or 
administer the program authorized by section 1240R of the Food 
Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. Sec. 3839bb et seq.), as 
amended by section 2606 of the Food, Conservation, and Energy 
Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-246). Of the funds made available 
for this program for fiscal year 2009, $50,000,000 are hereby 
permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would permanently cancel $50 million in FY 
2009 funding for the newly created Voluntary Public Access and 
Habitat Incentives Program, which encourages private landowners 
to open their lands to hunting. This program duplicates 
existing State programs which provide the very same service. 
Over 20 States already have such a program in place, and such a 
program is more appropriately administered and funded at the 
State and local level. This proposed reduction would eliminate 
funding for the program.
    Sec. 721. Of the funds made available for fiscal year 2009 
by section 1241(a)(4) of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 
U.S.C. Sec. 3841(a)(4)), as amended by section 2701(d) of 
subtitle H of title II of the Food, Conservation, and Energy 
Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-246), $24,000,000 are hereby 
permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would permanently cancel $24 million in FY 
2009 funding for the Farmland Protection Program. This program 
provides matching funds to help purchase development rights to 
keep productive farm and ranchland in agricultural uses. This 
proposed reduction would bring the program in FY 2009 to $97 
million, which is its historical level of appropriated funds.
    Sec. 722. No funds shall be used to pay salaries and 
expenses of the Department of Agriculture to carry out or 
administer the program authorized by section 379E of subtitle D 
of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. 
Sec. 1981 et seq.), as amended by 6022 of the Food, 
Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-246). Of 
the funds made available for this program for fiscal year 2009, 
$4,000,000 are hereby permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would permanently cancel $4 million of FY 
2009 funding made available for the Rural Microentrepreneur 
Assistance Program in the recently enacted 2008 Farm Bill. The 
Rural Business Service administers other programs that provide 
grant and loan assistance to small businesses, making this 
program redundant. This proposed reduction would eliminate the 
FY 2009 funding for the program.
    Sec. 723. Of the funds made available for fiscal year 2009 
by section 231(b)(7) of the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 
2000 (7 U.S.C. Sec. 1621 note: Pub. L. No. 106-244), as amended 
by section 6202(b)(2) of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act 
of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-246), $12,318,000 are hereby 
permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would permanently cancel more than $12 
million in FY 2009 funding for the Value-Added Agricultural 
Market Development Program which provides grants to producers 
to create value added products. The program would have almost 
$3 million in funding available in FY 2009. Typically, 
businesses helped by these sorts of development programs record 
a three year survival rate at a national average of 60 percent. 
This poorly performing program, however, does not come close to 
that national average, with a three year survival rate of only 
35 percent.
    Sec. 724. Of the funds made available for fiscal year 2009 
by section 1672B(f) of the Food, Agricultural, Conservation, 
and Trade Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. Sec. 5925b), as amended by 
section 7206(a)(2) of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 
2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-246), $8,000,000 are hereby permanently 
    This amendment would permanently cancel $8 million in FY 
2009 funding for the Organic Agriculture Research and Extension 
Initiative. The amendment would leave $10 million for this 
program, more than three times the $3 million available for 
Organic Research and Extension in FY 2008 under the FY 2002 
Farm Bill (the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, 
Pub. L. No. 107-171).
    Sec. 725. Of the funds made available for fiscal year 2009 
by section 508 of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 
(16 U.S.C. Sec. 6578), as amended by section 8205(c) of the 
Food, Conservation. and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-
246), $4,000,000 are hereby permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would permanently cancel $4 million of the 
nearly $10 million of FY 2009 funding made available for the 
Healthy Forests Reserve program in the recently enacted 2008 
Farm Bill. This program has never received more than $3 million 
in annual appropriations, and has significant outstanding 
    Sec. 726. Of the funds made available for fiscal year 2009 
by section 9004 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act 
of 2002 (7 U.S.C. Sec. 8101 et seq.), as amended by section 
9001 of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 
No. 110-246), $10,000,000 are hereby permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would permanently cancel $10 million of FY 
2009 funding for the newly created Repowering Assistance 
Program. The program, which provides payments to biorefineries 
to replace fossil fuel used to produce heat or power to operate 
existing biorefineries with renewable biomass energy sources. 
This program is similar in purpose to other Rural Development 
programs, making it redundant. This proposed reduction would 
leave $25 million for the program in FY 2009.
    Sec. 727. Of the funds made available for fiscal year 2009 
by section 9007 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act 
of 2002 (7 U.S.C. Sec. 8101 et seq.), as amended by section 
9001 of the Food, Conservation. and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 
No. 110-246), $6.000.000 are hereby permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would permanently cancel $6 million in FY 
2009 funding for the Rural Energy for America Program, which 
was once part of the renewable energy/energy efficiency grant 
program. The program focuses on helping rural businesses obtain 
energy efficiencies. Funding for this program in the recently 
enacted 2008 Farm Bill, is $5 million more than the FY 2009 
Budget request. This proposed reduction would leave $49 million 
for FY 2009, approximately double the typical loan and grant 
volume for this program. The agency is not expected to obligate 
the full level of funds in FY 2009.
    Sec. 728. Of the funds made available for fiscal year 2009 
by section 101(j) of the Specialty Crops Competitiveness Act of 
2004 (Pub. L. No. 108-465). as amended by section 10109(c)(4) 
of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 
110-246), $34,000,000 are hereby permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would permanently cancel $34 million of FY 
2009 funding made available for the Specialty Crop Block Grant 
Program in the recently enacted 2008 Farm Bill (the Food, 
Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, Pub. L. No. 110-246). The 
block grant program does not effectively target assistance for 
specialty crops and potentially overlaps with existing Sec. 32 
and Food and Nutrition Service programs. This proposed 
reduction would leave $15 million for the program in FY 2009.
    Sec. 729. No funds shall be used to pay salaries and 
expenses of the Department of Agriculture to carry out or 
administer the program authorized by section 420(e)(1) of the 
Plant Protection Act (7 U.S.C. Sec. 7711 et seq.), as amended 
by section 10201(a) of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act 
of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-246). Of the funds made available for 
fiscal year 2009, $12,000,000 are hereby permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would permanently cancel $12 million in FY 
2009 funding for Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster 
Prevention. Funding for pest detection and surveillance is and 
should continue to be made available through the discretionary 
appropriation to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 
under current budget ceilings. This proposed reduction would 
eliminate the FY 2009 funding for the program.
    Sec. 730. No funds shall be used to pay salaries and 
expenses of the Department of Agriculture to carry out or 
administer the program authorized by section 10202(e) of the 
Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-
246). Of the funds made available for fiscal year 2009, 
$5,000,000 are hereby permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would permanently cancel $5 million of FY 
2009 funding for the National Clean Plant Network. Funding for 
this program is more appropriately made available through the 
discretionary appropriations to the Animal and Plant Health 
Inspection Service under current budget ceilings. This proposed 
reduction would eliminate the FY 2009 funding for the program.
    The total decreases of more than $192 million provided by 
this amendment would partially offset the proposed increases 
described in the accompanying amendments. Taken together, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE


House Document 110-123 Page: 22
FY 2009 Pending Request: ---
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: ---

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
``(Pub. L. No. 110-234)'' in section 107 and substitute (Pub. 
L. No. 110-246).)
    This request would amend the Public Law citation to 
correctly reflect the most recently enacted version of the 
Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008. Pursuant to section 
4 of Pub. L. No. 110-246, Pub. L. No. 110-234 was repealed 
effective on the date of enactment of that Act.
                       DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR

                         Bureau of Reclamation

                      WATER AND RELATED RESOURCES

House Document 110-123 Page: 25
FY 2009 Pending Request: ---
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: ---

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
``(Pub. L. No. 110-234)'' in the last proviso and substitute 
(Pub. L. No. 110-246).)
    This request would amend the Public Law citation to 
correctly reflect the most recently enacted version of the 
Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008. Pursuant to section 
4 of Pub. L. No. 110-246, Pub. L. No. 110-234 was repealed 
effective on the date of enactment of that Act.

                  Citizenship and Immigration Services


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Pages: 480-481
FY 2009 Pending Request: ---
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: ---

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, insert 
the following new paragraph before the opening parenthesis of 
the bill citation:)
    Of the unobligated funds collected pursuant to section 
286(v) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 
Sec. 1356(v)), $34,000,000 are hereby permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) account by 
permanently cancelling $34 million in funding. This funding 
will become available in this account at the beginning of FY 
2009 as a result of a $102 million temporary rescission in the 
FY 2008 appropriation in the Department of Labor's Employment 
Standards Administration (ESA) Salaries and Expenses account.
    The cancellation that was contained in the budget amendment 
that was transmitted to the Congress on June 9, 2008 (H. Doc. 
110-123) assumed that all of the $102 million rescission of 
funds would become available for obligation by ESA in FY 2009. 
In fact, only one third ($34 million) of these funds will 
become available to that account. In accordance with the 
availability of funds provided by section 286(v) of the 
Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. Sec. 1356(v)), $68 
million ($34 million each) will also become available to 
Diplomatic and Consular Programs in the Department of State and 
    This request would cancel all of the funding that is newly 
available to the Department of Homeland Security in FY 2009 as 
a result of the original temporary rescission. The request 
would have no net effect on the balances available to USCIS 
from Fraud Prevention and Detection fees prior to the addition 
of the $34 million in temporarily rescinded balances. The $34 
million decrease would partially offset the proposed increases 
described in the budget amendment transmitted to the Congress 
on June 9, 2008. Taken together with other proposals in that 
transmittal, as well as proposals in this transmittal that 
cancel the $34 million from Diplomatic and Consular Programs in 
the Department of State and the revised cancellation of $12 
million from the ESA Salaries and Expenses account in the 
Department of Labor, the budget authority requested in the FY 
2009 Budget would not be affected.
                          DEPARTMENT OF LABOR

                  Employment Standards Administration

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

House Document 110-123 Page: 26
FY 2009 Pending Request: ---
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: ---

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
``$110,000,000'' from the second paragraph and substitute 
    This amendment would reduce the pending $110 million 
cancellation from the Employment Standards Administration 
(ESA), Salaries and Expenses account by $68 million.
    The FY 2008 appropriation temporarily rescinded $102 
million from this account. The cancellation that was contained 
in the budget amendment that was transmitted to the Congress on 
June 9, 2008 (H. Doc. 110-123) assumed that all of these funds 
would become available for obligation by ESA in FY 2009. In 
fact, only one third ($34 million) of these funds will become 
available to this account. In accordance with the availability 
of funds provided by section 286(v) of the Immigration and 
Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. Sec. 1356(v)), $68 million ($34 
million each) will also become available to Citizenship and 
Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security and 
Diplomatic and Consular Programs in the Department of State.
    This request would cancel $12 million of the $34 million in 
funding that will become available in the Department of Labor 
in FY 2009. The $12 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the budget amendment 
transmitted to the Congress on June 9, 2008. Taken together 
with other amendments in that transmittal, as well as 
amendments in this transmittal that cancel the $34 million each 
from Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of 
Homeland Security and Diplomatic and Consular Programs in the 
Department of State, the budget authority requested in the FY 
2009 Budget would not be affected.
                          DEPARTMENT OF STATE

                   Administration of Foreign Affairs


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 769
FY 2009 Pending Request: ---
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: ---

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, insert 
the following new paragraph before the opening parenthesis of 
the bill citation:)
    Of the unobligated funds collected pursuant to section 
286(v) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 
Sec. 1356(v)), $34,000,000 are hereby permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
Diplomatic and Consular Programs (D&CP) account by cancelling 
$34 million in funding. This funding will become available in 
this account at the beginning of FY 2009 as a result of a $102 
million temporary rescission in the FY 2008 appropriation in 
the Department of Labor's Employment Standards Administration 
(ESA) Salaries and Expenses account.
    The cancellation that was contained in the budget amendment 
that was transmitted to the Congress on June 9, 2008 (H. Doc. 
110-123) assumed that all of the $102 million rescission of 
funds would become available for obligation by ESA in FY 2009. 
In fact, only one third ($34 million) of these funds will 
become available to that account. In accordance with the 
availability of funds provided by section 286(v) of the 
Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. Sec. 1356(v)), $68 
million ($34 million each) will also become available to 
Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of 
Homeland Security and to D&CP.
    This request would cancel all of the funding that is newly 
available to the Department of State in FY 2009 as a result of 
the original temporary rescission. The request would have no 
net effect on the balances available to D&CP from Fraud 
Prevention and Detection fees prior to the addition of the $34 
million in temporarily rescinded balances. The $34 million 
decrease would partially offset the proposed increases 
described in the budget amendment transmitted to the Congress 
on June 9, 2008. Taken together with other amendments in that 
transmittal, as well as amendments in this transmittal that 
cancel the $34 million from Citizenship and Immigration 
Services in the Department of Homeland Security and the revised 
cancellation of $12 million from the ESA Salaries and Expenses 
account in the Department of Labor, the budget authority 
requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be affected.

                        Departmental Management


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 466
FY 2009 Pending Request: $1,395,831,000
Proposed Amendment: $905,000,000
Revised Request: $2,300,831,000

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, (1) 
delete ``$810,740,000'' in the first paragraph and substitute 
$1,352,740,000; (2) delete ``and of which $275,000,000'' in the 
first paragraph and substitute of which $748,000,000; (3) 
delete ``$585,091,000, of which $507,000,000'' from the second 
paragraph and substitute $948,091,000, of which $870,000,000; 
and (4) insert the following new language immediately before 
the period at the end of the first paragraph:)

, and of which $50,000,000 to remain available until September 
30, 2010, to support the delivery of medical countermeasures: 
Provided, That of the amount made available herein for the 
delivery of medical countermeasures, up to $20,000,000 may be 
transferred to the U.S. Postal Service to support the delivery 
of medical countermeasures
    This amendment would provide an additional $905 million for 
the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund. This 
proposed funding would be used to enhance the Nation's 
preparedness against a bioterrorist event through the advanced 
development of priority medical countermeasures and activities 
that support the distribution and dispensing of medical 
countermeasures. This funding would also improve the Nation's 
preparedness in the event of an influenza pandemic.
    The requested increase in budget authority would be fully 
offset by proposed reductions to other accounts, as described 
in the accompanying amendments. Taken together, the budget 
authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 

              National Protection and Programs Directorate

                        OFFICE OF HEALTH AFFAIRS

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 513
FY 2009 Pending Request: $161,339,000
Proposed Amendment: $27,000,000
Revised Request: $188,339,000

(In the appropriations language under the heading, delete 
``$161,339,000'' and substitute $188,339,000; delete 
``$132,129,000'' and substitute $159,129,000.)
    This amendment would provide an additional $27 million for 
the Office of Health Affairs. This proposed funding would 
strengthen the Nation's preparedness against a bioterrorist 
event through the enhancement of the BioWatch environmental 
monitoring system. The funds would be used to purchase and 
deploy 150 automated BioWatch sensors to increase coverage in 
BioWatch cities, lower detection times down to 4 to 6 hours, 
and speed the delivery of medical countermeasures.
    The requested increase in budget authority would be fully 
offset by a proposed reduction within the Department of 
Homeland Security, as described in an accompanying amendment. 
Taken together, the budget authority requested in the FY 2009 
Budget would not be affected.

                         SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 1039
FY 2009 Pending Request: $763,527,000
Proposed Amendment: $10,600,000
Revised Request: $774,127,000

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
``$763,527,000'' and substitute $774,127,000.)
    This amendment would provide an additional $10.6 million 
for the Science and Technology account. This funding would be 
used to address gaps in responding to and recovering from an 
anthrax attack. Critical gaps addressed by this funding 
    Validated Sampling Assays and Methodologies ($7.2 million). 
To date, EPA has identified existing methods to collect, 
prepare, and analyze samples containing anthrax. However, the 
existing methods are not specifically intended for 
environmental samples and need to be tested to determine their 
overall effectiveness and efficiency. Research is required to 
develop, verify, and validate sample collection, preparation, 
and analytical methods to aid in the detection of anthrax in 
environmental samples.
    Washing/Cleaning Methods for Outdoor Areas/Matrices ($2.5 
million). Further research needs to be conducted to field-test 
Standard Operating Procedures for the use of simple and 
flexible decontamination methods of anthrax-contaminated 
outdoor areas, using available equipment and supplies and with 
minimal environmental or materials damage, i.e., bench-scale 
studies need to be done to assess the efficacy of promising 
decontamination methods for outdoor surface types.
    Risk Assessment Methodologies for Risk Characterization and 
Exposure Assessment ($0.9 million). The capability of tools to 
estimate exposure levels following a wide area release remains 
a continuing challenge. Additional requested funding will 
assist EPA in not only developing methods to combine various 
data types into a scientifically-defensible risk 
characterization for human exposure to anthrax, but also in 
modifying existing exposure models, for chemically-contaminated 
environments, to estimate inhalation, dermal, and oral 
exposures to anthrax spores.
    The requested increase in budget authority would be fully 
offset by proposed reductions to other accounts, as described 
in the accompanying amendments. Taken together, the budget 
authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 1049
FY 2009 Pending Request: $1,264,233,000
Proposed Amendment: $24,165,000
Revised Request: $1,288,398,000

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
``$1,264,233,000'' in both places where it occurs and 
substitute in both places $1,288,398,000.)
    This amendment would provide an additional $24.2 million 
for the Hazardous Substance Superfund account in the 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This funding would be 
used to address gaps in decontamination equipment and 
laboratory capacity/capability for possible anthrax incidents 
in urban indoor and outdoor environments. Critical gaps 
addressed via this funding include:
    InSitu Decon Methodologies ($20.8 million). EPA and private 
vendors currently have technologies applicable for small-scale 
decontamination of biological agents, i.e., the Senate Office 
Building. However, a critical gap exists in the ability to 
scale-up technologies and methodologies to address larger areas 
of contamination and there is little incentive for private 
vendors to develop such capacity. The requested increase would 
provide additional technology capacity to decontaminate larger 
areas should such an event occur.
    Laboratory Capacity/Capability ($3.4 million). In the event 
of a wide-area anthrax attack, relying on a finite set of labs 
with competing priorities, i.e., a need to analyze 
environmental, clinical, and forensic samples simultaneously, 
presents a significant gap. Of the requested $3.4 million, $2.6 
million would begin to address the current laboratory capacity 
gap, associated with screening sample analysis, through the 
development of a Memorandum of Understanding and Inter-agency 
Agreement with the Department of Agriculture to provide 
infrastructure support and access screening samples from more 
than a dozen State veterinary diagnostic laboratories. The 
remaining $0.8 million would be used to support validated 
sampling assays and methodologies, such as evaluation and 
development of guidance for swab sampling methods on non-porous 
surfaces and for vacuum sampling methods from porous surfaces.
    Furthermore, the Payment to the Hazardous Substance 
Superfund account would be adjusted, consistent with the 
proposed budget amendment, to increase homeland security 
funding for bioterrorism activities in the Hazardous Substance 
Superfund account.
    The requested increase in budget authority would be fully 
offset by proposed reductions to other accounts, as described 
in the accompanying amendments. Taken together, the budget 
authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 

                Administration for Children and Families

                      SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT

House Document 110-123 Page: 23
FY 2009 Pending Request: $939,765,000
Proposed Amendment: -$939,765,000
Revised Request: ---

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, delete 
the appropriations language in its entirety and substitute the 
    Notwithstanding sections 2002 and 2003 of the Social 
Security Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. Sec. 1397a and 1397b), no State 
shall be entitled to payment, no funds shall be appropriated, 
and no allotment shall be made under such sections for fiscal 
year 2009: Provided, That notwithstanding subparagraph (B) of 
section 404(d)(2) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
Sec. 604(d)(2)), the applicable percent specified under such 
subparagraph for a State to carry out State programs pursuant 
to title XX of such Act shall be 10 percent.
    The Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) is an appropriated 
entitlement, which was funded at $1,700 million in FY 2008. The 
FY 2009 Budget requested $1,200 million for SSBG through a one-
year reduction of $500 million in appropriations language. 
Additionally, the Budget included a permanent elimination of 
authorized funding levels in the out years beyond FY 2009. A 
budget amendment that was transmitted to the Congress on June 
9, 2008 (H. Doc. 110-123) reduced the FY 2009 request to 
approximately $940 million in order to offset other requested 
    This amendment further adjusts the request by neither 
appropriating nor allocating to States any FY 2009 funds for 
SSBG, reducing the authorized funding level for the Social 
Services Block Grant by an additional $940 million. At the same 
time, the amendment preserves the ability of the States to 
transfer up to 10 percent of funds from the Temporary 
Assistance for Needy Families program to SSBG. The program's 
minimal requirements maximize State flexibility but, at the 
same time, do not ensure that funded activities are effective. 
This is because SSBG is a funding stream rather than a program 
with measurable performance objectives.
    The requested $940 million reduction in budget authority 
would partially offset the proposed increases described in the 
accompanying amendments. Taken together, the budget authority 
requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be affected.

                  Federal Emergency Management Agency

                        STATE AND LOCAL PROGRAMS

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Pages: 514-515
FY 2009 Pending Request: $1,900,000,000
Proposed Amendment: -$27,000,000
Revised Request: $1,873,000,000

(In the appropriations language under the heading, delete 
``$1,900,000,000'' and substitute $1,873,000,000; delete 
``$200,000,000'' in paragraph (1) and substitute $173,000,000.)
    This amendment would reduce the Homeland Security Grant 
Program within the State and Local Programs account by $27 
million. The 2009 Budget proposes to consolidate State and 
local grants and to distribute grants to programs on the basis 
of risk. Since 2001, the Department has administered over $23 
billion, primarily as grants, to support State and local 
preparedness. Of this amount, approximately $7.4 billion in 
grant awards remain unspent. Moreover, states and localities 
are spending these funds slower than they had been in prior 
years. This proposal would support State and local preparedness 
by redirecting a small percentage of total grant resources to 
    The requested $27 million reduction in budget authority 
would fully offset a proposed increase within the Department, 
as described in an accompanying amendment. Taken together, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
