Robert P. Casey Jr.

United States Senator for Pennsylvania

Casey Named “Friend of the Farm Bureau” from Pennsylvania

November 17, 2008

HERSHEY, PA- U.S Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, today accepted the “Friend of the Farm Bureau” award at a ceremony in Hershey.  The award, presented by Pennsylvania Farm Bureau President Carl Shaffer, is awarded to elected officials who are strong advocates of agriculture.  

“I am honored to receive this award from the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau,” said Senator Casey.  “I have enjoyed a close working relationship with the Farm Bureau from the state level to the county level.  Working together we have made great strides in helping Pennsylvania’s farmers.  I look forward to continuing my work with the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau in order to represent the needs of Pennsylvania’s largest industry in Washington.”

“Over the past two years, time and time again Senator Casey has shown great dedication to the concerns of Pennsylvania’s farm families,” said Farm Bureau President Shaffer.  “Among Senator Casey’s many achievements for agriculture has been his leadership in helping to develop a new farm bill, which targets the interests of agriculture in Pennsylvania and the northeast more than any farm bill in memory.  Senator Casey and his staff have worked closely with farm bureau on a week-to-week basis.  His door is always open, and I have enjoyed many opportunities to meet with him over the past two years.”

At the end of each two-year session of Congress, the American Farm Bureau Federation recognizes Senators and Congressmen who have been strong advocates of agriculture. Those who are chosen to receive this award are nominated by their respective state farm bureau.


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Kendra Barkoff - (202) 228-6367

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