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  Cultural Policy

Sam speaking in a conferenceA strong and vibrant cultural policy is essential to a strong nation. There are cultural conditions which make democracy possible, markets open, and societies free. Our continued national well-being depends as much on the condition of our culture as our economy or federal policies.

Cultural trends are mixed: while we have made progress as a nation in reducing discrimination and opening the doors of opportunity to those historically denied entrance, there are many other areas where we have lost ground. Teen suicide and drug use are increasing. More families are breaking down, and marriages breaking up. We have become more accustomed to, and more tolerant of, tragedy, violence, and hate. We need a renewed culture. We need to honor the unsung heroes in our land, laud their works, and encourage their emulation. Similarly, we should work to discourage the glamorization of violence and vulgarity that pervades our entertainment and popular culture. There are many things that each of us can do to make our families, schools, neighborhoods, and ultimately, our culture more civil, compassionate, and uplifting. In the end, the most effective solutions to the problem of cultural decline will not come from Washington; they will come from the heartland.


President Bush signing the Broadcast Decency BillNot everyone can broadcast over the nation's public airwaves.  Broadcast spectrum is a very valuable and scarce national resource.  That is why statute requires the FCC to evaluate not just the ability, but thecharacter of an entity to operate in the public's interest, when handing out a broadcast license.  Read More

a groom and bride holding hands That marriage is the union of a man and a woman may seem elementary to most Americans, but this is not currently the case in America's courts or on Capitol Hill.  Read More

a girl watching televisionSenator Brownback has been the Senate leader in encouraging increased corporate responsibility among the entertainment industry and combating entertainment violence and vulgarity.  Read More

a museumAfter 70 years, we have finally created a museum to honor-nationally-the contribution and sacrifice of African Americans in this country.  Read More

The Ten CommandmentsI am concerned about the tendency of the courts in recent years to weaken the First Amendment rights of religious groups or individuals to freely express their faith.  Read More
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