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US Senator Orrin Hatch
September 5th, 2007   Media Contact(s): Jared Whitley 202-224-5251
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Senators Hatch and Bennett confer during a meeting of the Senate Appropriations Committee Sub-Committee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies. The meeting explored the recent Utah Mine disaster and how to prevent such future tragedies.
Washington - Today Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) participated in a Senate Appropriations Committee meeting of the Sub-Committee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies regarding the recent Utah mine disaster. Hatch's prepared statement follows.

Thank you, Chairman Harkin, Ranking Member Specter, and the other members of the Appropriations Committee for inviting me to participate in this important hearing.

First, let me begin by extending my heartfelt gratitude to the three brave rescuers who gave their lives in an attempt to rescue the six trapped miners at the Crandall Canyon Mine. I am honored to serve the people of Utah who are among the most selfless individuals in the country. Mr. Brandon Kimber, Mr. Dale Black, and Mr. Gary Jensen, the three rescuers that bravely gave the ultimate sacrifice in an attempt to free their six trapped colleagues are all examples of the best of Utah has to offer. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with their families at this difficult time, as well as with the families of the six miners who were lost in this tragedy. Many people in Utah – around the country – and even around the world mourn with them, myself included. On behalf of all Utahns, I would like to say thank you to the thousands of people who have expressed kind words, thoughts, and prayers on behalf of those affected by this accident.

Mr. Chairman, I would also like to praise the work of the officials who responded so aptly to the crisis immediately following the mine collapse. Like only Utahans can do, we came together as a community to respond as one, leaving aside title and agency designation. We had federal, state, and local officials working seamlessly together to do all they could to rescue the six trapped miners. I would like to publicly thank Mr. Richard Stickler, who joins us today, for traveling to Utah almost immediately after the collapse and remaining at the mine site for several days. Utah’s able Governor, Jon Huntsman and his dedicated team of professionals also deserve special recognition for their immediate response to the mine collapse. I would also like to thank the dedication of Mayor Hilary Gordon of Huntington, Utah as well as the hard work of Sheriff Lamar Guymon and his team of law enforcement officials who continue to secure the mine site.

I know there is much interest in Congress over the recent events in Huntington, Utah. There is no one in Congress more concerned about mining safety, especially in the Western United States, than I. I know that there will be several Congressional hearings dedicated to the tragic events at the Crandall Canyon Mine in the coming months. It is my hope that these hearings and investigations will respect the dignity and sacrifice of those who have been affected by this tragic event.

We in Congress must allow the professionals at Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) to completely investigate this tragedy free from political influence. We owe nothing less to the families affected. Once we know all that went wrong at Crandall Canyon, and if there were preventable mistakes that were made, we in Congress can and should respond. As I have noted in the past, I strongly believe that we need to let the professionals do their job with our support, but without our interference.

I look forward to hearing from the experts today, especially Mr. Stickler. I hope this Committee will listen closely to what he has to say and will work to ensure MSHA has all the resources they need to completely investigate the events surrounding the tragedy at Crandall Canyon.

Thank you once again, Mr. Chairman, for allowing me to participate this morning.


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