United States Senator
Orrin G. Hatch
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Labor and Transportation
Over the past two decades, Utah has experienced tremendous growth in population, business development and tourism. I am working hard to expand our state’s transportation infrastructure to accommodate this impressive growth and to protect Utah from over-reaching federal mandates on labor practices, to ensure that Utahns are able to enjoy the highest possible standard of living.

From my position on the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, I am able to represent Utah's interests over a variety of labor-related issues, including mining. Equitable labor laws in this country have protected workers from unfair discrimination and harassment, and I don’t want encroachments of any kind to peel back that progress. Having been a card-carrying member of a labor union in my youth, I believe that unions have played an important role in the United States, but that labor laws must be tempered by what's best for workers, not unions.

Regarding transportation, historically, Utah has been very successful at securing hundreds of millions of federal highway, transit, and airport infrastructure funds for transportation projects. But we face many challenges. Because rapid growth continues to put a strain on our highways, public transit systems, and airports, I will keep working with officials throughout the state to plan, organize, fund and realize new transportation initiatives.

Related Press Releases
07/24/2008 Hatch Lauds MSHA Report on Crandall Canyon
06/18/2008 Hatch Decries Europeanization of U.S. Labor and Employment Laws
05/13/2008 Sen. Hatch Introduces Public Employee Bill of Rights
04/23/2008 Hatch Calls Fair Pay Restoration Act Misleading and Bad Policy
04/22/2008 Sen. Hatch Shares Good News On Earth Day
04/17/2008 Hatch Helps Free Up $38.5 million For Utah Road Projects
10/23/2007 Senate Approves Hatch Amendment for Mine Safety Studies
10/16/2007 Hatch Announces Three Transportation Grants For Utah National Parks
10/04/2007 Hatch: Cedar City Set to Fly Once Again
10/03/2007 Hatch: State-inspected Meat Safer Than Foreign Imports
10/02/2007 Committee Statement: Current Mine Safety Disasters: Issues and Challenges
10/02/2007 Hatch Urges DOL to Share Info with UMSC
09/17/2007 Hatch Hires Lance Walker as Legislative Assistant
09/05/2007 The Crandall Canyon Mine Disaster and How to Prevent Future Tragedies
08/28/2007 Hatch, Kennedy, Enzi Promise Bipartisanship in Senate Response to Utah Mine Tragedy
07/27/2007 Hatch: House Farm Bill to End Ban on State Meat Products
06/20/2007 Dems Paying Back Union Bosses, Hatch Says
06/19/2007 Hatch Decries Senate Action on So-Called Employee Free Choice Act
06/19/2007 Hatch Denounces the Employee Free Choice Act
04/20/2007 The So-Called Employee Free Choice Act: An Offer We Can Refuse
04/18/2007 Hatch: Tear Down Interstate Meat Shipment Barrier
03/01/2007 Hatch: Card Check Bill Denies Employee Choice
01/31/2007 Hatch Reacts to US Airways Dropping Bid To Merge With Delta
01/25/2007 Kohl, Hatch Caution DOJ To Review Carefully
Proposed US Airways, Delta Merger

Other Important Issues
 Budget and Appropriations
 Defense and Veterans
 Economy and Taxes
 Environment and Agriculture
 Focus on Utah
 Foreign Policy and Trade
 Homeland Security
 Immigration and Border Security
 Intellectual Property & Antitrust
 Judicial Nominations
 Nuclear Issues
 Senior Citizens and Social Security