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  Committee: Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
  Title: Child Care: Strengthening Families and Improving the Well-Being of Children
  Date: March 15 2002
  Place: Dirksen 430
  Hearing File: Click Here to view the final hearing transcript as printed
  Member Statements
 Senator Christopher Dodd Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005  
  Witness Testimony
Sheila Merkison Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
  Travis Hardmon Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Helen Blank Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Janet Schalansky Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Kathy Thornburg, Ph.D. Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Elizabeth Bonbright Thompson Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Elaine Zimmerman Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Statements Submitted for the Record  
Jim Klein Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
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