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  Committee: Subcommittee on Public Health and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee
  Title: Making Sense of the Mammography Controversy: What Women Need to Know
  Date: February 28, 2002
  Place: Dirksen 430
  Hearing File: Click Here to view the final hearing transcript as printed
  Member Statements
 Senator Barbara Mikulski Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005 Senator Bill Frist Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
 Senator Tom Harkin Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005 Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
  Witness Testimony
Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
  Dr. Donald A. Berry Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Harmon J. Eyre, M.D. Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Fran Visco Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Carolyn D. Runocwicz, M.D. Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
LeSalle Leffall, Jr., M.D. Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Statements Submitted for the Record  
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Food and Drug Administration Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
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