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Committee: Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
Title: Early Education: From Science to Practice
Date: February 12, 2002
Place: Dirksen 430
Hearing File: Click Here to view the final hearing transcript as printed
Member Statements
Senator Christorpher Dodd Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005 Senator Judd Gregg Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Senator James M. Jeffords Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005  
Witness Testimony
Jack Shonkoff
  Edward Zigler, Ph.D. Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Dorothy Strickland, Ph.D. Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Rob Reiner Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
Susan Russell Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
  Elizabeth Schaefer Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
  Sharon Rhodes Joint GAO Testimony  - October 6, 2005
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