[DOCID: f:hr710p1.109]
From the House Reports Online via GPO Access

109th Congress                                            Rept. 109-710
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session                                                      Part 1




               September 29, 2006.--Ordered to be printed


    Mr. Goodlatte, from the Committee on Agriculture, submitted the 

                              R E P O R T

                    [To accompany H. Con. Res. 424]

    The Committee on Agriculture, to whom was referred the 
concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 424) expressing the sense 
of Congress that it is the goal of the United States that, not 
later than January 1, 2025, the agricultural, forestry, and 
working land of the United States should provide from renewable 
resources not less than 25 percent of the total energy consumed 
in the United States and continue to produce safe, abundant, 
and affordable food, feed, and fiber, having considered the 
same, report favorably thereon without amendment and recommend 
that the concurrent resolution be agreed to.

                             BRIEF SUMMARY

    H. Con. Res. 424 expresses a sense of Congress that the 
goal of the United States is that at least 25 percent of the 
energy consumed in the United States should be the product of 
the agricultural, forestry, and working lands of the nation. 
The resolution further provides that along with this production 
for energy, the United States should continue to produce a 
sufficient supply of food, feed, and fiber.
    Before reaching this resolution, H. Con. Res. 424 states 
that the production of renewable energy from agricultural, 
forestry, and working lands is beneficial to national security, 
rural economies, and the environment. H. Con. Res. 424 further 
states a belief that the development and use of renewable 
energy will stabilize the cost and availability of energy in 
the United States and that supportive policies and incentives 
will make increased use practical and effective.

                            PURPOSE AND NEED

    The official title of the resolution as introduced is: 
``Expressing the sense of Congress that it is the goal of the 
United States that, not later than January 1, 2025, the 
agricultural, forestry, and working land of the United States 
should provide from renewable resources not less than 25 
percent of the total energy consumed in the United States and 
continue to produce safe, abundant, and affordable food, feed, 
and fiber.''
    H. Con. Res. 424, also known as 25x'25 recognizes that it 
is in our best interest to wean ourselves off of the dependency 
on foreign oil and furthermore, recognizes that the best way to 
accomplish this goal is the utilization of our agriculture and 
forestry resources. In fact, there are sources of renewable 
energy in every one of the 50 states. These can be provided 
from resources such as wind, solar, hydro and biofuels. 
Renewable energy already produces 6 percent of America's total 
energy today and by 2025 it will be possible to produce 25% of 
our projected energy use, from farm and forest resources, 
including many waste materials. The 25x'25 vision sets a 
national goal, a vision of where we want to go to ensure a 
sustainable, secure energy future for us and for future 

                        COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION

I. Full Committee Consideration

    The Committee on Agriculture met, pursuant to notice, with 
a quorum present, on September 21, 2006, to consider H. Con. 
Res. 424 and other pending legislation.
    Members were recognized and each made a statement in 
support of the legislation. Counsel was also recognized for a 
brief explanation of the resolution.
    Mr. Conaway was recognized to offer and explain an 
amendment to state that the market is best suited to determine 
which forms of renewable energy are the most effective and 
efficient. Discussion occurred, and without objection, the 
amendment was withdrawn.
    There being no amendments, Mr. Peterson moved that H. Con. 
Res. 424 be reported favorably to the House with the 
recommendation that it pass.
    By a voice vote, and in the presence of a quorum, H. Con. 
Res. 424 was ordered favorably reported to the House.
    Chairman Goodlatte then advised Members that pursuant to 
the rules of the House of Representatives that Members have 2 
calendar days to file such views with the Committee. No Members 
came forth with intent to file additional views.
    Without objection, staff was given permission to make any 
necessary clerical, technical or conforming changes to reflect 
the intent of the Committee.
    Chairman Goodlatte thanked all the Members and adjourned 
the meeting subject to the call of the chair.


    In compliance with clause 3(b) of rule XIII of the House of 
Representatives, H. Con. Res. 424 was reported by voice vote 
with a majority quorum present. There was no request for a 
recorded vote.


    Pursuant to clause 3(c)(1) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the Committee on Agriculture's 
oversight findings and recommendations are reflected in the 
body of this report.

           BUDGET ACT COMPLIANCE (SECTIONS 308, 402, AND 423)

    The provisions of clause 3(c)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives and section 308(a)(1) of the 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (relating to estimates of new 
budget authority, new spending authority, new credit authority, 
or increased or decreased revenues or tax expenditures) were 
not requested from the Congressional Budget Office as this 
resolution would result in no new costs to the Federal 
government. Therefore, the Committee advises that the 
resolution contains no measure that authorizes funding, so no 
comparison of the total estimated funding level under clause 
3(c)(3) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of 
Representatives and sections 402 and 423 of the Congressional 
Budget Act of 1974 for the relevant programs are not considered 


    H. Con. Res. 424 does not authorize funding, therefore, 
clause 3(c)(4) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of 
Representatives is inapplicable.


    Pursuant to clause 3(d)(1) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the Committee finds the 
Constitutional authority for this legislation in Article I, 
clause 8, section 18, that grants Congress the power to make 
all laws necessary and proper for carrying out the powers 
vested by Congress in the Constitution of the United States or 
in any department or officer thereof.

                        COMMITTEE COST ESTIMATE

    Pursuant to clause 3(d)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the Committee finds that H. Con. Res. 
424 would result in no new costs to the Federal government.


    No advisory committee within the meaning of section 5(b) of 
the Federal Advisory Committee Act was created by this 


    The Committee finds that the legislation does not relate to 
the terms and conditions of employment or access to public 
services or accommodations within the meaning of section 
102(b)(3) of the Congressional Accountability Act (Public Law 

                       FEDERAL MANDATES STATEMENT

    H. Con. Res. 424 contains no Federal mandates.


    Pursuant to H. Res. 1000, adopted by the House on September 
14, 2006, the Committee states that this legislation contains 
no earmarks.

                        CHANGES IN EXISTING LAW

    H. Con. Res. 424 does not amend any existing Federal 

                        COMMITTEE CORRESPONDENCE

                          House of Representatives,
                                  Committee on Agriculture,
                                Washington, DC, September 28, 2006.
Hon. Richard Pombo,
Chairman, House Committee on Resources,
Washington, DC.
    Dear Mr. Chairman: On September 21 the Committee on 
Agriculture favorably reported H. Con. Res. 424, otherwise 
known as the 25x25 resolution. H. Con. Res. 424 was primarily 
referred to the Committee on Agriculture and additionally to 
the Committee on Resources and the Committee on Energy and 
Commerce. In light of the limited time remaining in this 
Congress, I ask for your help in expediting this important 
    I ask that you allow the Committee on Resources to be 
discharged from further consideration of H. Con. Res. 424. 
Discharge would not be considered as affecting your committee's 
jurisdiction over this subject matter. In the event of a 
conference with the Senate, I would support naming Resources 
Committee members to any conference committee.
    I look forward to your response and would be pleased to 
include it and this request in either the committee report or 
the Congressional Record during Floor consideration of the 
bills by the House of Representatives.
                                             Bob Goodlatte,

                          House of Representatives,
                                    Committee on Resources,
                                Washington, DC, September 28, 2006.
Hon. Bob Goodlatte,
Chairman, Committee on Agriculture,
Washington, DC.
    Dear Mr. Chairman: Thank you for your letter on H. Con. 
Res. 424, expressing the sense of Congress that it is the goal 
of the United States that, not later than January 1, 2025, the 
agricultural, forestry, and working land of the United States 
should provide from renewable resources not less than 25 
percent of the total energy consumed in the United States and 
continue to produce safe, abundant, and affordable food, feed, 
and fiber. Knowing that the 109th Congress is rapidly drawing 
to a close and how important this bill is to you, I would be 
pleased to allow the Committee on Resources to be discharged 
from further consideration of this measure. By doing so, I do 
not waive the Committee's jurisdiction over the subject matter 
of the bill and it will not serve as precedent for future 
referrals. In addition, should a conference on the bill be 
necessary, I appreciate your support to have the Committee on 
Resources represented on the conference committee. I would also 
appreciate our exchange of letters being included in either the 
bill report or in the Congressional Record when H. Con. Res. 
424 is considered on the Floor.
    Thank you for your leadership on this issue and your 
extraordinary cooperation during this Congress. It has been a 
pleasure working with you and your able staff.
                                          Richard W. Pombo,
