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US Senator Orrin Hatch
Intellectual Property & Antitrust
As a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I am actively involved in a broad spectrum of issues affecting the American legal system, including the protection of intellectual property and the appropriate enforcement of antitrust laws.

I am the Ranking Republican Member of the Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights Subcommittee, which engages in active, ongoing oversight over the antitrust agencies and the nation’s key industries. My goal is to ensure that our antitrust laws are vigorously applied so that consumers see the benefits of full and free competition.

Because the patent system is the bedrock of technological advancement, especially in today’s global economy, I also want to ensure that innovators and inventors are protected from threats like counterfeiting and piracy. I also want to make sure the patent system keeps pace with today’s rapid technological advancements, and is the Republican leader in the Senate on current legislation to reform and update U.S. IP law. In Utah alone, there are more than 3,200 technology and 500 life science companies. Utah leads the western states’ region in creating and sustaining these companies. I am a staunch supporter of innovation and the dedicated people who devote their time and talents to bringing about a better life for all of us through their ideas and inventive energy.

Related Press Releases
10/29/2008 Hatch Agrees with Justice Department's OK of Delta-Northwest Merger
09/27/2008 Bill Named After Utahn Shawn Bentley Clears Senate
09/25/2008 Delta-Northwest Merger Good for the Economy, Hatch says
09/11/2008 Judiciary Committee Reports Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Legislation
09/10/2008 Hatch, Baucus Legislation Protects U.S. Intellecual Property, American Jobs
08/04/2008 Hatch, Kohl Call for Federal Review of UPS-DHL Deal
06/17/2008 Hatch Touts Coordinated Effort to Tackle Theft of Intellectual Property
04/24/2008 Judiciary Leaders Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Orphan Works Legislation
04/24/2008 Hatch Says Delta-Northwest Merger Could Boost Air Travel
03/25/2008 Hatch Supports Justice Ruling on XM-Sirius Satellite Radio Merger
03/14/2008 Senate Approves Hatch Amendment to Protect U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
03/12/2008 Senate Patent Reform Leaders Release Amendments In Advance Of Patent Reform Debate
02/20/2008 Hatch: NFL Will Uniformly Apply Copyright Permissions to Churches Showing Super Bowl
12/19/2007 Floor Speech: The Time Has Come For Congress to Balance Performance Rights Issues
12/18/2007 Colloquy Regarding S. 1145, The Patent Reform Act of 2007
12/18/2007 Hatch Introduces Legislation To Give Fair Compensation To Musical Artists
11/19/2007 Hatch, Kohl Urge Rigorous FTC Review of Competition Issues in Google-DoubleClick Deal
10/18/2007 Hatch Endorses Internet, Media Principles to Foster Online Innovation, Protect Copyrights
10/03/2007 Speech: U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Piracy
09/26/2007 Committee Statement: Google-DoubleClick Merger
04/18/2007 Hatch, Leahy Introduce Bicameral, Bipartisan Patent Reform Legislation
03/20/2007 Committee Statement: “XM-Sirius Merger: Monopoly or Competition from New Technologies”
03/07/2007 Committee Statement: Oversight of the Enforcement of the Antitrust Laws
02/05/2007 Hatch Promotes Matt Sandgren to Counsel on the Judiciary Committee
01/30/2007 Kohl, Hatch Announce Antitrust Subcommittee Agenda for 2007
US Senator Orrin Hatch

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