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Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement
for the Casper Field Office
Released June 8, 2007
Volume 1

Casper Proposed RMP and Final EIS Volume 1 (Complete Volume) (7.85 MB)

Cover (359 KB)
Dear Reader Letter (142 KB)
Abstract (22 KB)
Table of Contents (66 KB)
Acronyms and Abbreviations (39 KB)
Executive Summary (58 KB)
Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need for Action (557 KB)
Chapter 2 - Resource Management Alternatives (1.04 MB)
Chapter 3 - Affected Environment (1.57 MB)
Chapter 4 - Environmental Consequences (3.78 MB)
Chapter 5 - References (228 KB)
Chapter 6 - List of Preparers (120 KB)

Volume 2

Casper Proposed RMP and Final EIS Volume 2 (Complete Volume - Maps not included) (8,290 KB)

Cover (1,607 KB)
Table of Contents (120 KB)

Appendix A - Split-Estate Lands (250 KB)
Appendix B - Federal Laws, Regulations, Policies, and Guidance Applicable to Each Resource Topic (260 KB)
Appendix C - Public Involvement, Consultation, and Coordination (5,470 KB)
Appendix D - Oil and Gas Operations (256 KB)
Appendix E - Biological Resources Support Document (392 KB)
Appendix F - Exception, Modification, and Waiver Criteria (168 KB)
Appendix G - Land Disposal (425 KB)
Appendix H - Areas Not Available for Livestock Grazing (127 KB)
Appendix I - Wyoming Bureau of Land Management Mitigation Guidelines for Surface-Disturbing and Disruptive Activities (193 KB)
Appendix J - Technical Support Document for Air Quality (676 KB)
Casper RMP Air Emissions CD ( RMP Air Emissions Inventory)
2004 Regional Air Emissions Inventory CD ( 2004 Regional Air Emissions Inventory)
Appendix K - Best Management Practices (137 KB)
Appendix L - Air Quality Mitigation Matrix (159 KB)
Appendix M - Surface Disturbance and Reasonable Foreseeable Actions (206 KB)
Appendix N - Standard Oil and Gas Stipulations (149 KB)
Appendix O - Recreation Management Matrices (252 KB)
Appendix P - Area of Critical Environmental Concern Nomination Process (259 KB)
Appendix Q - Mineral Development Potential (790 KB)
Appendix R - Clarification of Off-Highway Vehicle Designations and Travel Management in the Bureau of Land Management Land Use Planning Process (287 KB)
Appendix S - Guidelines for Yearling Conversion (170 KB)
Appendix T - Stock Driveway Management Standards (156 KB)
Appendix U - Intensive Management (151 KB)
Appendix V - Economic Impact Analysis Methodology (216 KB)
Appendix W - Parcel Numbers and Legal Descriptions by Resource Program (239 KB)
Appendix X - Invasive, Nonnative Plant Species Best Preventative Management Practices and Mitigation Options (186 KB)

Appendix Y - Draft Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement Comment Analysis (387 KB)
(252 KB)

Map 1 Surface Ownership within the Casper Field Office Planning Area
Map 2 Mineral Ownership within the Casper Field Office Planning Area
Map 3 Physical Resources Geologic Resources All Alternatives
Map 4 Physical Resources Soil All Alternatives
Map 5 Physical Resources Water All Alternatives
Map 6 Mineral Resources Leasable – Coal All Alternatives
Map 7 Mineral Resources Leasable – Oil and Gas Alternative A
Map 8 Mineral Resources Leasable – Oil and Gas Alternative B
Map 9 Mineral Resources Leasable – Oil and Gas Alternative C
Map 10 Mineral Resources Leasable – Oil and Gas Alternative D
Map 11 Mineral Resources Leasable – Oil and Gas Alternative E (Proposed Casper RMP)
Map 12 Mineral Resources Locatable Alternative A
Map 13 Mineral Resources Locatable Alternative B
Map 14 Mineral Resources Locatable Alternative C
Map 15 Mineral Resources Locatable Alternative D
Map 16 Mineral Resources Locatable Alternative E (Proposed Casper RMP)
Map 17 Mineral Resources Salable All Alternatives
Map 18 Fire Management and Ecology All Alternatives
Map 19 Biological Resources Vegetation – Grasslands, Shrublands, and Riparian Areas All Alternatives
Map 20 Biological Resources Habitat Fragmentation Blocks Alternative B
Map 21 Biological Resources Habitat Fragmentation Blocks Alternative C

Map 22 Biological Resources Habitat Fragmentation Blocks Alternative E (Proposed Casper RMP)
Map 23 Biological Resources Vegetation – Forests, Woodlands, and Forest Products All Alternatives
Map 24 Biological Resources Vegetation – Invasive, Nonnative Plant Species All Alternatives
Map 25 Biological Resources Fish and Wildlife Resources – Wildlife Alternatives A, C, D, and E (Proposed Casper RMP)
Map 26 Biological Resources Fish and Wildlife Resources – Wildlife Alternative B
Map 27 Biological Resources Special Status Species – Plants All Alternatives
Map 28 Biological Resources Special Status Species – Wildlife Alternative A
Map 29 Biological Resources Special Status Species – Wildlife Alternative B
Map 30 Biological Resources Special Status Species – Wildlife Alternative C
Map 31 Biological Resources Special Status Species – Wildlife Alternative D
Map 32 Biological Resources Special Status Species – Wildlife Alternative E (Proposed Casper RMP)
Map 33 Heritage and Visual Resources Cultural Resources All Alternatives
Map 34 Heritage and Visual Resources Paleontological Resource All Alternatives
Map 35 Heritage and Visual Resources Visual Resource Management Alternative A
Map 36 Heritage and Visual Resources Visual Resource Management Alternative B
Map 37 Heritage and Visual Resources Visual Resource Management Alternative C
Map 38 Heritage and Visual Resources Visual Resource Management Alternative D
Map 39 Heritage and Visual Resources Visual Resource Management Alternative E (Proposed Casper RMP)
Map 40 Land Resources Lands and Realty – Retention and Disposal Alternative A
Map 41 Land Resources Lands and Realty – Retention and Disposal Alternative B
Map 42 Land Resources Lands and Realty – Retention and Disposal Alternative C
Map 43 Land Resources Lands and Realty – Retention and Disposal Alternatives D and E (Proposed Casper RMP)
Map 44 Land Resources Lands and Realty – Acquisition All Alternatives
Map 45 Land Resources Renewable Energy All Alternatives
Map 46 Land Resources Rights-of-Way and Corridors Alternative A
Map 47 Land Resources Rights-of-Way and Corridors Alternative B
Map 48 Land Resources Rights-of-Way and Corridors Alternative C
Map 49 Land Resources Rights-of-Way and Corridors Alternative D
Map 50 Land Resources Rights-of-Way and Corridors Alternative E (Proposed Casper RMP)
Map 51 Land Resources Transportation All Alternatives
Map 52 Land Resources Off-Highway Vehicles Alternative A
Map 53 Land Resources Off-Highway Vehicles Alternative B
Map 54 Land Resources Off-Highway Vehicles Alternative C
Map 55 Land Resources Off-Highway Vehicles Alternative D
Map 56 Land Resources Off-Highway Vehicles Alternative E (Proposed Casper RMP)
Map 57 Land Resources Livestock Grazing Alternatives A and B
Map 58 Land Resources Livestock Grazing Alternatives C and E (Proposed Casper RMP)
Map 59 Land Resources Livestock Grazing Alternative D
Map 60 Land Resources Recreation All Alternatives
Map 61 Special Designations Areas of Critical Environmental Concern and Special Management Areas Alternative A
Map 62 Special Designations Areas of Critical Environmental Concern and Special Management Areas Alternative B
Map 63 Special Designations Areas of Critical Environmental Concern and Special Management Areas Alternative C
Map 64 Special Designations Areas of Critical Environmental Concern and Special Management Areas Alternative D
Map 65 Special Designations Areas of Critical Environmental Concern and Special Management Areas Alternative E (Proposed Casper RMP)
Map 66 Special Designations National Back Country Byways All Alternatives
Map 67 Special Designations National Historic Trails and Other Historic Trails Alternatives A, D, and E (Proposed Casper RMP)
Map 68 Special Designations National Historic Trails and Other Historic Trails Alternative B
Map 69 Special Designations National Historic Trails and Other Historic Trails Alternative C
Map 70 Socioeconomic Resources Health and Safety All Alternatives

Casper RMP, BLM Project Manager, Linda Slone 2987 Prospector Drive, Casper, WY 82604-2968, (307) 261-7520

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This page last updated: July 26, 2007