Photo of Iowa

August in Iowa  

This week the Senate passed a reauthorization of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. It’s a relief that we were able to get such an important piece of legislation passed before leaving for break. Now, we’ll be working with the House of Representatives to work out the differences between our two versions of the bill.
Today I’m on my way back to Iowa and will be there through Labor Day. I’ll stay busy holding town meetings, visiting businesses and leading my bi-annual Ambassadors Tour.

I always look forward to the August recess because it gives me a chance to be home and communicate with Iowans on a daily basis. I’ve made it my goal to visit every county in Iowa every year. This is my 27th year in the Senate and the 27th year that I’ve visited each county. I will complete this year’s tour later this month. In addition to my town hall meetings I’ve been visiting businesses, factories, hospitals and schools around the state. It was great seeing all of you along the way. If I haven’t had a chance to see you thus far, I hope you will be able to make it to one of my upcoming town meetings. If not, you can rest assured I’ll be back at it next year.

One of the highlights of my month in Iowa will be the Iowa State Fair. The State Fair is more than 150 years old, making it one of the oldest and largest state fairs in the nation. It has grown to attract nearly a million Iowans and visitors every year from all over the world. I’ll be attending the fair on August 17th, the last day of my Ambassador’s Tour. The diplomats always enjoy the fair and I’m proud to show off Iowa in its prime. If you see us walking around, don’t hesitate to say hello.