News from Congressman Joe Sestak

E-Newsletter - July 2008

Congressman Sestak recently voted in Washington to hold oil companies accountable for not drilling in areas where they are already approved to do so, support our troops at home and abroad, provide assistance to emergency response volunteers, and improve our mass transportation systems. While at home in Pennsylvania , the Congressman received recognition for his commitment to our environment, continued addressing the FAA Airspace Redesign plan and attended “Fourth of July” events across the district. Below, read more about these and other events and initiatives with which Congressman Sestak has been involved.

*For the most complete and up-to-date information on Congressman Sestak’s work in Washington and in the 7th Congressional District, please visit

Around the 7th

  • Congressman Sestak receives “perfect score” from PennEnvironment: On Monday, July 7, the Congressman received a perfect 100 % scorecard from PennEnvironment for his record on environmental voting. One of the Congressman’s pillars of national security is energy and environment, and the reception of this scorecard complements his efforts in that arena. The Congressman also took advantage of the opportunity to announce approval through the House Appropriations Committee of $250,000 for the beginning of a District-wide watershed management project to enhance environmental infrastructure of streams throughout his district. This is a significant first step toward a comprehensive plan to address this issue throughout the region. After the presentation, Congressman Sestak continued his efforts to address watershed management when he met with members of a Pennsylvania Environmental Advisory Council (EAC), who are part of a wider EAC network made up of small groups across Pennsylvania that offer advice to municipalities on environmental issues.

  • FAA Update: Since taking office, Congressman Sestak has remained devoted to fighting the Federal Aviation Administration’s Air Space Redesign plan. Most recently, the Congressman teamed up with U.S. Representative Rob Andrews of New Jersey to draft a four page letter to Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter and Philadelphia International Airport Director of Aviation Charles Isdell about violations of the airport’s Noise Compatibility Program (NCP), which the Philadelphia Airport voluntarily began in 2003. “Prior to any new noise being placed upon the area around the airport, procedures have to be followed,” said the Congressman. The program includes provisions for reviewing major changes or additional construction at the airport and creating up-to-date decibel maps for Day-Night Average Sound Levels. Mayor Nutter promised to respond to the Congressman and, dependent upon his response, the Congressmen are ready to continue to press this issue in a number of ways.

  • July 4th Celebrations: This Fourth of July, Congressman Sestak crisscrossed the 7th Congressional District and joined his constituents at parades, barbecues, and evening firework displays to honor our nation’s birthday. “For me, the best part of the Fourth is not just seeing the enthusiasm on a national scale, but also taking part in the ways in which individual communities come together to celebrate,” said Congressman Sestak. The Congressman kicked off the day’s festivities meeting constituents in Springfield , and then continued on to parades in Marple and Sharon Hill. The next stop in was the Clifton Heights Flea Market, followed by a barbecue with members of the Archer-Epler Musketeers Drum and Bugle Corps. He also attended a cookout at the Rose Valley pool and took part in a recitation of the Declaration of Independence in Havertown. The Congressman capped off the night by attending fireworks celebrations in Upper Merion and Chesterbrook. The firework display was the perfect end to the Congressman’s exciting day of processions, cookouts and meet-and-greets with members of the seventh district.

  • Congressman Sestak Tours Montgomery County Businesses: Congressman Sestak, Vice Chairman of the House Small Business Committee, met with some of the most successful entrepreneurs in his District, visiting three businesses in Montgomery County that have recently experienced extraordinary growth. Congressman Sestak has worked to modernize many of the small business programs and resources to help small businesses grow, sponsoring legislation to bring more federal contracts to small businesses and provide resources for startup companies. He has also held five economic development summits. The Congressman first met with management at Action Duplication Inc, which performs duplication of CDs, DVDs and VHS tapes at its West Conshohocken facility. As the only company in Pennsylvania that offers all of these tasks “in-house,” Action Duplication recorded $7.75 million in total sales in 2007. Health Market Science in King of Prussia was the Congressman’s next stop, where he toured a leading provider of healthcare data that has grown 851 percent in the last five years. Health Market Science acquires, analyzes and integrates more than 2,500 distinct data sources to create and maintain a comprehensive source of healthcare provider information. Lastly, Congressman Sestak stayed in King of Prussia to visit JBC Associates, a 70-person construction management firm and the second largest woman-owned business in the Seventh Congressional District. The company assists business owners, contractors, designers and engineering firms by supervising all phases of construction projects.

  • ALERT! Upcoming Senior Summit: This event will feature a service fair with various service organizations and case workers from federal, state, and county agencies to address individual questions and concerns. It will be held at Penn State Brandywine on Wednesday, August 13, beginning at 1:00. Prior to the fair, the Congressman will be joined by federal, state, and county officials for a discussion and question and answer session to help address concerns facing seniors and their families and caregivers. All seniors are encouraged to attend. To register, please call 610-892-8623 or visit

  • ALERT! Upcoming Seminar on Private Funding: Please join Congressman Sestak for a seminar on private funding opportunities. The Congressman will host Ms. Gloria Hibbett, Director of the Regional Foundation Center at the Philadelphia Free Library for an informative presentation on private and foundation grant opportunities. It will take place Wednesday, August 6th at 1PM (registration begins at 12:30) at Delaware County Community College, Academic Building , Room 2225. The College is located at 901 South Media Line Road, Media, PA 19063 . To register, please visit or call 610-892-8623.

In Legislation

  • Congressman Sestak Votes to Tell Oil Companies to “Use It or Lose It”: Congressman Joe Sestak (PA-07) voted to put in place one piece of his comprehensive energy strategy, as the House passed the Responsible Federal Oil and Gas Lease Act of 2008 (H.R. 6251), which the Congressman cosponsored, requiring oil and gas companies to develop the 68 million acres already open for drilling if they want to keep their leases on those federal properties. To further encourage these companies to effectively use domestic resources to increase the supply of oil and natural gas, the Act bars them from obtaining any more federal leases for drilling onshore or on the Outer Continental Shelf, including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska, unless they can demonstrate “diligent development” of areas currently leased. The Act failed on a vote that required 2/3 of the House’s support; however the Congress has continued to advocate for this policy as part of an energy policy that would include short term measures, such as using the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, reigning in speculators and strengthening the dollar, and long-term solutions through development of alternative resources.

  • Supporting our Troops: By supporting both amendments of the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2008, Congressman Sestak voted to give our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan the materials they need to be safe and the resources they need to succeed when they come home. The act allots more than $160 billion to the Department of Defense and expands GI Benefits for Veterans education. For individuals who have served at least 3 years since 2001 the government will pay for four years of education up to the level of the most expensive in-state public school. Stating that the war is a tragic misadventure that must end, but in the appropriate way, Congressman Sestak voted for funding necessary to protect the troops until they can be safely redeployed. The legislation includes other important measures to benefit our troops abroad, through policy provisions that require the Iraqi government to take more responsibility for their country’s security, and at home, through appropriations for military construction and Veterans hospitals.

  • Improving Mass Transit: In the midst of our current energy crisis and a sharp increase in gas prices, Congressman Sestak voted in favor of, and the House passed, the Saving Energy through Public Transportation Act of 2008 to reduce the United States ’ dependence on foreign oil by providing greater funding for and access to public mass transit. According to the American Public Transit Association, diesel fuel costs are up more than 40 percent, and almost half of bus operators and more than two-thirds of rail operators have increased travel fares for their passengers. At the same time, some 20 percent are cutting down on their services. To address this situation, this bill authorizes $1.7 billion in capital and operating funds for transit agencies to both reduce fares and expand their services. It also increases the federal share for clean fuel and alternative fuel buses, ferries and locomotive-related equipment from 90 to 100 percent.

  • Recognizing Emergency Responder Volunteers: To honor our nation’s first responders, including the hundreds of thousands of men and women who serve as volunteer firefighters, Congressman Sestak cosponsored the Supporting Emergency Responders Volunteers Efforts (SERVE) Act. This legislation acknowledges the tremendous sacrifice of our nation’s volunteer firefighters, emergency medical service responders and members of other rescue services. H.R. 5700 provides a $1,000 tax credit to those individuals who serve as volunteer fire fighters or members of EMS crews. “Some 75 percent of our nation’s firefighters are volunteers, and I have had the honor of meeting hundreds of these dedicated men and women, as well as those who serve selflessly on EMS crews and for volunteer fire companies,” said the Congressman. Providing a $1000 tax credit can serve as an important recruitment tool for local groups to boost enrollment numbers. In addition, the credit can help offset the cost of the many calls and training sessions volunteers attend on their own time and at their own expense.

  • Supporting ADA Amendments Act: Congressman Sestak voted in favor of, and the House passed, the Support the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 to re-establish the intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the scope of which has been narrowed by court decisions, including those of the Supreme Court. Congressman Sestak joined with a bipartisan majority to ensure that workers qualified for a job do not experience discrimination because of a disability. With the proposed amendments, the law will make clear that Congress has set forth, “‘clear, strong, consistent, enforceable standards addressing discrimination' by restoring the broad scope of protection available under the ADA .” The amendments include a provision to make certain that the ADA covers individuals who are either fired or not hired because of actual as well as perceived impairments. In addition, this legislation counters court decisions that have gone against plaintiffs because a disabling condition is treatable.

  • Improving Medicare for Patients and Providers: To offer greater assistance to beneficiaries who are most in need, and ensure that Medicare recipients receive quality care by addressing the needs of those who provide health care products and services, Congressman Sestak voted in favor of, and the House passed, the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008, overriding the President’s veto by a vote of 383-41. Funding in this bill includes approximately $4.5 billion to directly assist Medicare recipients in affording better care. Medicare currently requires a much higher co-payment for mental health services – 50 percent – than the 20 percent required for physical health care services. Parity is attained by lowering co-payments over six years and making sure seniors and people with disabilities, groups particularly prone to depression and similar problems, can afford the screening and treatment they need. This legislation also addresses the impact of healthcare costs on Medicare physicians, who are scheduled to receive a 10.6 percent payment cut this year based on a formula established by Congress in 1997 to control costs. Acknowledging that if doctors are not paid fairly there are fewer services available to patients covered by Medicare, this bill eliminates the scheduled pay cut for 2008 and increases physician payments by 1.1 percent for 2009.

  • VA Notifies Patients of Possible Under Dosing for Prostate Cancer

    112 patients who received brachytherapy treatment for prostate cancer at the Philadelphia VA Medical Center within the last six years will be asked to return for a new evaluation of their condition, the hospital has announced. Brachytherapy is a cancer therapy in which small radioactive rods, known as seeds, are implanted inside or next to the prostate. The Medical Center is concerned that these patients may have received radiation doses that were lower than prescribed. The hospital is taking precautions for the patients by asking those who received this treatment to come in and be evaluated. “The care of our patients is our primary concern” said Richard Citron, Medical Center Director. “We’ve established a toll free number (1-866-709-4598) to answer any questions veterans or their families may have. We sincerely apologize for this situation, and for any concern it may cause.” Letters are being sent to each of the 112 patients involved, asking them to immediately contact the medical center. All precautionary testing will be performed at the Philadelphia VA Medical Center, or at facilities located closer to veterans’ residences, at no expense to the veteran.

  • Addressing Heating Costs in Advance

    The Community Action Agency of Delaware County advises that eligible families take advantage of the county’s Weatherization Assistance Program, which provides quality energy education and home energy conservation modifications that reduce heating bills by an average of 31 percent. Delaware County renters and homeowners who have not had their residences weatherized since September 30, 1993, can apply for the program by contacting the agency at 610-521-8870