January 2, 2009

Selected Speeches/Statements

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Date Title
07/16/08  Statement on the Introduction of Legislation to Create a Prize Competition for Nanotechnology
06/03/08  Wyden Addresses OHSU Graduates at 2008 Commencement
04/14/08  On Eve of Tax Day, Wyden Calls for Comprehensive Tax Reform
03/05/08  Wyden Addresses America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) 2008 National Policy Forum
02/13/08  U.S. Senator Ron Wyden Discusses the Need for Interrogation Policy that is Smart, Effective, and Consistent with American Values
12/05/07  Wyden Introduces Credit Card Safety Star Act
10/17/07  Wyden Speaks on Senate Floor About CIA Inspector General Investigation
10/01/07  Wyden Speaks on Senate Floor in Support of Stop Arming Iran Provision
04/16/07  Senator Wyden Introduces the Fair Flat Tax Act of 2007
04/16/07  Wyden Defends FY'07 Intelligence Authorization Act
03/07/07  Wyden Offers Amendment to Make CIA Inspector General's 9/11 Report Public
02/18/07  Wyden Promotes Prescription Drug Bargaining Power
02/08/07  Senator Wyden: "Saudi Arabia and Counterterrorism"
01/31/07  Senator Wyden: "Health Care in America"
01/16/07  Senator Wyden Leads Federal Debate on Health Care Reform
05/25/06  Wyden Testifies in Support of Oregon's Death with Dignity Act at Judiciary Committee Hearing
04/24/06  Wyden Statement on the Administration's "Bungled" Handling of Gasoline Supply and Pricing
04/14/06  Statement by U.S. Senator Ron Wyden on Tax Policy at the Cleveland City Club
04/07/06  Statement by U.S. Senator Ron Wyden Calling for Congress to Vote on Iraq
04/06/06  Wyden Discusses Declassifiying 9/11 Commission Report with Intelligence Committee Chairman on Senate Floor
03/29/06  Wyden Statement on the Wyden-Grassley-Inhofe-Salazar Amendment to End Secret Holds
02/17/06  Security, Privacy and Civil Liberties in Post 9/11 America
02/07/06  Wyden Testifies on Net Neutrality at Commerce Committee Hearing
12/16/05  Senator Wyden Statement On Kids' Tier Announcement By Major Cable Operators
11/09/05  Wyden Calls For Chance To Amend Intelligence Authorization Bill
11/01/05  Wyden Calls Tax Reform Panel's Plan "Three Strikes" Against Middle-Class Taxpayers
10/06/05  New Report Gives Americans Facts About Health Care System
09/28/05  Wyden Will Vote To Confirm Roberts As Chief Justice Of U.S. Supreme Court
09/21/05  Wyden Testifies On Strategies To Reduce Gasoline Price Gouging
07/29/05  Statement of U.S. Senator Ron Wyden On Senate Renewal of the PATRIOT Act
07/28/05  Statement of U.S. Senator Ron Wyden On Pension Reform Legislation
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