United States Senator
Orrin G. Hatch
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Homeland Security
Homeland security is one of the most critical issues facing our nation today, and I am committed to ensuring the newly created Department of Homeland Security receives the tools and resources necessary to protect our citizens from terrorists. This new department restructured our federal agencies to bring our capabilities to a whole new level, and the American public requires that we maintain and expand on our ability to secure our borders, coordinate domestic intelligence, and track down terrorists before they strike.

Related Press Releases
07/10/2008 Hatch Lauds Passage of FISA Modernization Bill
06/25/2008 Hatch Urges Senate to Pass FISA Amendments Act
03/13/2008 Hatch Rebukes House Leaders for Blocking Anti-terrorist Legislation
02/29/2008 Sen. Hatch calls on House to vote on FISA Modernization Bill
02/12/2008 Hatch Hails Senate Approval of FISA Bill
02/11/2008 Hatch: The FISC Is Not a Trial Court, Nor Should It Be
02/06/2008 Overly Aggressive Judicial Oversight by FISC Could Harm National Security
02/06/2008 We Don’t Need Legislative Alarm Clocks To Address National Security
02/06/2008 Reverse Targeting Is Already Illegal Under FISA
01/28/2008 Hatch Supports Bush Call to Pass Anti-Terrorist Legislation
01/24/2008 Hatch Condemns Partisanship on FISA
12/17/2007 Hatch Decries "Fear Mongering" by Opponents of FISA
12/17/2007 Hatch Defends Immunity for Telecom Companies Against Litigation
11/14/2007 Hatch Urges Senate to Include Retroactive Immunity for Service Providers
11/08/2007 Hatch Defends Telecom Immunity in FISA Modernization
08/03/2007 Hatch Urges Senate To Modernize Intelligence Surveillance
09/29/2006 On a Lesson in Cherry-Picking and Politicizing Our Nation’s Intelligence: The Terrorism NIE Declassified

Other Important Issues
 Budget and Appropriations
 Defense and Veterans
 Economy and Taxes
 Environment and Agriculture
 Focus on Utah
 Foreign Policy and Trade
 Immigration and Border Security
 Intellectual Property & Antitrust
 Judicial Nominations
 Labor and Transportation
 Nuclear Issues
 Senior Citizens and Social Security