United States Senator Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
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Issue Statements - Key Issues

Federal Budget

Senators Murkowski, Thune, Snowe and Sununu at a press conference on Capitol Hill

Senators Murkowski, Thune, Snowe and Sununu at a press conference on Capitol Hill.

I am convinced that Americans would much rather be working to support their families than drawing unemployment checks. Toward that end, Congress must find a way to increase investment and promote job creation. I believe tax relief legislation is working, and it is benefiting everyone in the process including middle-class families, retired couples, and small business owners. Economic growth, fiscal discipline, and good stewardship of taxpayers’ dollars will help us reduce the budget deficit. 

The current deficit can be attributed to the expenses associated with homeland defense in a post-9/11 world, the ongoing cost of the war on terrorism and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. While a growing deficit is a real concern, providing the necessary resources to win the war on terrorism and protect our national security should be a budget priority.

Press Releases*

December 2008

18th -

November 2008

20th -

March 2008

14th -

* Currently displaying the latest 10 records. Select a month and year from the Browse by select box to view more records.


December 2008

19th -

* Currently displaying the latest 5 records. Select a month and year from the Browse by select box to view more records.

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