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US Senator Orrin Hatch
September 29th, 2006   Media Contact(s): Peter Carr (202) 224-9854,
Jared Whitley (202) 224-0134
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A view of BSA's Camp Thunder Ridge, which would benefit from Hatch's land transfer bill. Photo courtesy of BSA.
Washington – The United States Senate today unanimously approved a bill sponsored by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) to allow the exchange of two small parcels of land between the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Utah National Parks Council and Brian Head Ski Resort.

“Acquiring this land will make a tremendous difference in the lives of the Scouts at Camp Thunder Ridge,” Hatch said. “The Scouts will be able to expand their archery and rifle ranges, and the land is clear and flat, perfect for camping.”

In 1983, the Bureau of Land Management gave the BSA roughly 1,300 acres near Parowan, Utah, for a Boy Scout camp. Under the agreement, land cannot be sold or exchanged without Congressional action. Hatch’s bill, S. 476, would allow the BSA to give 120 acres on the south end of the camp to Brian Head in exchange for 120 acres on the eastern side of the camp, including 40 acres inside the camp’s boundaries.

Hatch intends to work with his colleagues in the House of Representatives to expedite the House’s consideration of the bill so it can be sent to the President’s desk this year.


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